- ceding of territory | cession of territory 领土让与
- But Toktamish overreached himself when he tried to demand the cession of territories ruled by another Mongol chief, Timur (1336 1405), whose capital was Samarkand. 但是,托克塔米扩张自己的势力,试图要求另一个蒙古首领帖木儿 (1336-1405年)所管辖的领土割让与他,帖木儿建都撒马尔罕。
- A tract of territory had been sliced away. 领土被割去了一块。
- A tract of territory had been sliced away . 领土被割去了一块。
- The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war. 因为他们输了这场战争,割让领土是无法避免的。
- cession of territory 领土让与
- A division of territory under the jurisdiction of an archbishop. 教省由大主教管辖的教区
- A nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion. 扩张主义一个国家领土或经济扩张的政策或实践
- A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty. (领土的)割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土
- They lost about two hundred square miles of territory. 他们失去了约200平方英里的领土。
- One who advocates the recovery of territory culturally or historically related to one's nation but now subject to a foreign government. 领土收复主义者主张收回在文化上和历史上皆和自己的国家有联系但现在受外国政府控制的领土的人
- US Airborne can upgrade their Recoilless Rifles out of territory. 美军空降兵能在不处于己方领土范围内时升级无坐力炮。
- For instance, the cession of building and land access involves duty of business tax, agree to wait. 比如,房屋和土地使用权的转让涉及营业税、契税等。
- After the First Opium War, the Guangdong-Macao relationship l ost its balance because of the cession of Hongkong. 第一次鸦片战争后,香港的割让引起粤澳(中葡)关系失衡,是有澳门议事会九请和中葡谈判的出现。
- The cession of this kind of right, the first issue that involves is how its price decides after all. 中共十五大和十五届三中全会提出农民的承包土地可以有偿流转。这种权利的转让 ,涉及到的首要问题就是其价格究竟如何确定。本文认为 ,土地承包权的价值或价格从理论上讲应大于使用权的价值或价格。
- This fluidity of territory is entirely a result of the fluidity of the war. 这种领土的流动性,完全是来源于战争的流动性。
- The cession of a part of China aroused shame and anger among the Chinese,and the unfortunate Qishan was ordered to Peking (Beijing) in chains. 中国认为割地是奇耻大辱,举国震怒,清廷遂把琦善撤职,解京查办。
- The cession of a part of China aroused shame and anger among the Chinese, and the unfortunate Qishan was ordered to Peking (Beijing) in chains. 中国认为割地是奇耻大辱,举国震怒,清廷遂把琦善撤职,解京查办。
- A ceding or surrendering,as of territory to another country by treaty. 这些岛屿被旧有的主人割让给这个大陆国家。
- And the cession of land and flow are to connect its to pass to install and make over those who will finish of the right. 而土地的转让和流动是通其过权利的设置和转让来完成的。