- With respect to analogue data; to place it in digital form. 将模拟量数据转换成数字形式。
- With respect to analogue data;to place it in digital form. 将模拟量数据转换成数字形式。
- certificates in digital form 数码证书
- With respect to analogue data ; to place it in digital form. 将模拟量数据转换成数字形式。
- Presentation of data,usually in digital form,from calculations or storage. 读出从计算工具或存储库中显示出,通常是以数据形式存在的信息
- Presentation of data, usually in digital form, from calculations or storage. 读出从计算工具或存储库中显示出,通常是以数据形式存在的信息
- It maintains an index plan in digital form of all leasehold lots and government land allocations as well as records of the land boundary surveys. 该处为所有已批租地段及政府土地物业,备存一套数码形式索引图则,同时又备存所有地界测量的记录。
- Copyrighted works will be increasingly delivered in digital form via global networks such as the Internet. 受版权保护的作品将会越来越多地以数字形式通过诸如因特网一类的全球网络进行传送。
- America's health sector is simply too balkanised and too paper-based to stitch together easily in digital form. 美国医疗部门过于分散、太纸制化了,用数字格式把他们连接在一起实属不易。
- Rights management information (RMI) consists of metadata used to identify digital content and owners of rights, and to express licensing information in digital form. 权利管理信息(RMI)由元数据构成,用于识别数字内容和权利人,并用数字形式表示许可证信息。
- It experimented with storing library information in microprint (reduced images of the actual letters or characters) as well as in digital form (binary codes). 它对用缩微印刷品及数字形式的方法储存图书馆信息进行试验.
- The university issues certificates in journalism. 大学颁发新闻学证书。
- To enable such information to be readily available in digital form,Transport Department plans to establish an efficient Transport Information System,with the assistance of modern technology. 运输署正计划利用高科技发展一套运输资讯系统,以便及时提供数码形式的运输资讯。
- The principle is to change light signals into electronic signals in digital form by means of a charge couple device.The captured images may be shown on a TV or computer screen or print out by a printer. 它的原理是用电荷偶合器件把光的讯号变为数码的电子讯号。拍摄到的影像可以在电视或电脑的荧幕上显现或用印字机把它印出来。
- To enable such information to be readily available in digital form, Transport Department plans to establish an efficient Transport Information System, with the assistance of modern technology. 运输署正计划利用高科技发展一套运输资讯系统,以便及时提供数码形式的运输资讯。
- According to the need of saving core resources in digital forms, a colorized linear CCD image acquisition system for core image scanner was designed and implemented. 针对岩心资源数字化的需求,设计并实现了一种用于岩心图像扫描仪的彩色线阵CCD图像采集系统。
- Copyright protection for works in digital form 保护数码形式作品的版权
- Discover new dimensions in digital imaging. 发现数码成像领域的新视野。
- A certificate in Basic Level by SC-TOP. 通过初等华语文能力测验证明。
- Certification in radiation oncology first offered. 首次授予放射肿瘤学资格。