- The producing and using status of the raw material powder system of every cermet composite coating technique has been reviewed. 金属陶瓷复合涂层技术作为重要的材料表面处理技术和材料复合技术能够制备各种特殊功能的涂层材料。
- cermet composite coatings 金属陶瓷复合涂层
- The Fe-based composite coatings on Q235 steel substrate were formed by plasma jet surface metallurgy. 采用等离子束表面冶金技术,在Q235钢表面制备了铁基合金涂层。
- In this paper, the process of acquiring laser modified electrodeposited composite coatings on K17 has been studied. 本论文研究了镍基铸造高温合金K17上的激光改性复合镀层工艺。
- Herein, classification, characteristics and application of electrodeposited composite coatings were reviewed. 在此,介绍了电沉积复合镀层的分类、特性及应用。
- A series of contrastive experiments on the cobalt based composite coatings and the 45 hardened steel are fulfilled by a pin-on-disc abrasion machine. 应用盘销式摩擦磨损试验机对复合涂层材料和淬火态 45钢进行了磨损对比试验。
- The surface of Ni-Al2O3 composite coatings was observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy disperse X-ray detector (EDX) . 还利用扫描电镜及能谱对Ni-Al_2O_3镀层表面进行了观察与分析。
- Investigations were made on the semi-bright nickel plating additive DN-2, bright nickel plating additive BN-3 and the properties of Composite coatings. 研究了新型半光亮镍添加剂DN-2,光亮镍添加剂BN-3及组合镀层的性能,并与美国Udylite公司、M &T公司及英国Canning公司同类产品进行了对比。
- Micro-nanostructured WC composite coatings were successfully fabricated by induced heating sintering method on the surface of Q235 steel. 用感应加热熔敷方法在Q235钢表面制备了微纳米碳化钨复合涂层,并分析了涂层的微观结构、显微硬度及耐磨性。
- The paper present the new developments of Ni-W coat, Ni-W-B coat, tungsten composite coat and tungsten brush coat etc. 介绍了镍钨镀层、镍钨硼(磷)镀层、含钨复合镀层和含钨电刷镀镀层等的研究与开发的近期进展。
- Zhou X Z,Zhou X P,Hu X B.Microstructur e and wear characteristic of WCp/Ni composite coatings[J].Hot Working Technology,2006,35(12):26-28. [2]周细枝;周小平;胡心彬.;电刷镀WCp/Ni复合镀层组织与磨损特性[J]
- Electrodeposited diamond composite coatings have been widely studied for improving the hardness,wear resistance and self-lubrication. 金属-金刚石共沉积复合镀层,在不同应用领域(如提高耐磨性、自润滑性、切削性及弥散强化效果等)已得到广泛关注。
- The recent research achievements on antiwear composite coatings were overviewed with focusing on the codeposition of particles,matrix metal and so on. 可以采用电沉积(电镀、电刷镀)或化学沉积的方法获得复合镀层。
- Composite coatings consisting of discrete phases of TiN and MoS 2 were code posited on graphite and Ti 6Al 4V alloy substrates from Ti[(CCH 3) 2N] 4/NH 3/MoF 6/H 2S gas mixtures. 由Ti((CH3)2N)4/NH3/MoF6/H2S气体混合物把TiN和MoS2分散相组成的复合涂层共沉积到石墨和Ti?6Al?4V合金载体上。
- The tendency and applications of electrodeposited composite coatings for self-lubrication, electric contacting, electrochemical catalysis, etc. are overviewed. 摘要综述了电沈积法制备自润滑复合镀层、电接触功能复合镀层、电催化复合镀层等的研究动态。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The hardness of Ni-P-SiC-MoS_2 composite coatings is lower than that of Ni-P-SiC and higher than that of Ni-P-MoS_2,but its wear-friction properties are superior to above all. N i-P-SiC-MoS2复合镀层摩擦磨损性能最好,是一种具有良好耐磨性及自润滑性的复合镀层。
- Microstructure of pulse electrodeposited Ni-W-P-SiC and RE-Ni-W-P-SiC composite coatings was analyzed by means of EPMA-1600 electron probe,3015 XRD patterns,et al. 运用X射线衍射仪、电子探针X射线能谱仪等手段分析研究了Ni-W-P-SiC和RE-Ni-W-P-SiC脉冲复合镀层的组织结构。
- The morphology and corrosion behavior of Ni-Al_2O_3 composite coatings prepared by double-pulsed technique and oxidized under high temperature were analyzed by SEM,XRD and EDX. 采用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪和能谱仪(EDX)对双脉冲法制备的几种NiAl2O3复合镀层经高温氧化后的形貌和物相进行分析。
- Properties, application and future trend of rare earth elements in electrodeposition of chromium, tin, zinc, Zn-Ni, Ni-Fe and composite coatings are summarized. 综述了稀土元素的性质和在电镀铬、锡、锌、锌-镍合金、镍-铁合金以及在复合镀技术中的应用现状和前景。