- Cavities in teeth are caused by decay. 牙齿的蛀洞是由蛀蚀造成的。
- Cerebral palsy is a terrible disabler. 脑性麻痹是使人残废的可怕病因。
- cerebral cavities [医] 脑室
- To develop conical cavities during solidification. 形成缩管凝固时形成缩孔
- My younger sister have three cavities. 我妹妹有三颗蛀牙。
- Ryan's sweet tooth is causing him major cavities. 瑞安爱吃甜食的习惯已经使他有了大虫牙了。
- Filled with cavities or hollow areas;porous. 多孔的充满孔穴或空洞区的;多孔的
- Morbidity and mortality of cerebral apoplexy. 脑卒中的发病率和死亡率。
- The dentist filled several cavities in my teeth. 牙医给我的牙堵了好几个洞
- The somatosensory areaof the cerebral cortex. 大脑皮层的体觉区域。
- Does fluoride help prevent cavities? 氟可以防止蛀牙吗?
- The patient died from acute cerebral haemorrhage. 患者死于急性脑溢血。
- How many cavities can be filled? 可生產多少穴?
- The patient died from acute cerebral hemorrhage. 患者死于急性脑溢血。
- You can find cavities and metals in that soil. 你可以找到蛀牙和金属在土壤中。
- Cerebral abscess is a rare complication. 脑脓肿是较少见的合并症。
- You have cavities that need to be filled. 你的牙齿蛀了两个洞,必须填补。
- Cerebral evoked potential (CEP) was measured. 结果:对照组大鼠引出的CEP波是以一个正相波为主的复合波。
- Any of the interconnecting cavities of the brain. 脑室脑部的互相连接的腔室的统称
- Can swimmy disease cause cerebral haemorrhage? 眩晕病会造成脑溢血吗?