- cephalic hypochorda 头部底索
- Having a relatively long head with a cephalic index below76. 长头的指头盖骨指数在76以下的
- Having a short,broad head with a cephalic index over80. 短头的具有一个颅指数超过80的短而阔的头的
- Having a short, broad head with a cephalic index over80. 短头的具有一个颅指数超过80的短而阔的头的
- But the cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate. 但部分患者分离头静脉存在困难。
- The superficial and deep communicating branches of cephalic vein. 头静脉的浅深交通支。
- External cephalic version: how to improve its impact? 胎头外倒转术:如何改善它的效果?
- Having a head of medium breadth,with a cephalic index between76 and80. 中型头的具有中等宽度头型的,头颅指数通常为76和80
- Having a head of medium breadth, with a cephalic index between76 and80. 中型头的具有中等宽度头型的,头颅指数通常为76和80
- An increase in extracellular potassium does in fact shift the pacemaker within the sinus node from the cephalic to the caudal portion. 细胞外液钾的增高确实能使窦房结内的起博点从头侧移向尾侧。
- Cranial and cephalic are interchangeable adjectives which mean proceeding toward the brain and cranium. 颅侧和头为可互换使用的形容词,意为向脑或头颅的一侧。
- One of the best areas for the cannula is the cephalic vein in the shoulder area. 肩部的头静脉是放置静脉导管最好的部位之一。
- Objective: To study the safety of elective cephalic mild hypothermia for treatment of newborn hypoxic iochemic encephalopathy( HIE). 目的:研究选择性头部亚低温对足月新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(IE)疗的安全性。
- Cephalic muscles may be divided into(a) cervical muscle(b)muscles of the mouthparts, and(c)muscles of the antenna. 头部肌肉可分为(a)颈肌(b)口器肌肉和(c)触角
- A more reliable and easier technique, a fluoroscopy-guided cephalic angled approach, has been developed for difficult cases. 我们利用透视下以头向倾方式来进行腰椎穿利,这对困难的个案是一个更可靠也更简单的方式。
- The cephalic index is the ratio of the occipitofrontal distance to the biparietal diameter. 头指数是枕额径/双顶径的比率。
- Vascular distribution of face was observed on 10 sides cephal ficial cast specimens. 在 10侧头面部铸型标本上 ,观测面部血管分布 ;
- Objective: To introduce a new method for implanting pacemaker leads by puncturing the cephalic vein. 摘要目的:介绍一种经头静脉穿刺置入起搏器电极导线的新方法。
- Figure 1. Fetus in the cephalic dorsal position. The subsequent drawings are depicted with the fetus in this position. 图1:胎儿呈头向仰卧位。后面的图像是胎儿位于这种姿势时所绘制的腹部和胸部超声切面的示意图。
- The early cephalic phase of orexins effect on animal are mastication and insulin secretion. 食欲肽对动物摄食的初期反应,主要表现在咀嚼和胰岛素的分泌作用;