- centrosome hyperamplification (CH) 中心体异常
- centrosome hyperamplification 中心体过度扩增
- The mass of cytoplasm surrounding the centriole in a centrosome. 中心球在中心体内中心粒周围的大量细胞质
- The entire cell aster with the exception of the centrosome. 空心体,吸收体除中心体外的整个星体
- They form a connection between the starting point in the chromosomes, the kinetochors, and the centrosome. 他们将染色体、着丝粒和中心体的起点连接起来。
- The centrosome probably plays an important role in the reorganization of the cell that occurs during differentiation. 在细胞分化的过程中中心体扮演着重要的角色。
- The cell cycle arrest is transient, and GSCs appear to re-enter the cell cycle on correction of centrosome orientation. 这种停滞是暂时的,中心体取向被纠正后,细胞会重新进入细胞周期。
- Centrosome A structure found in all eukaryotic cells, except fungi, that forms the SPINDLE during cell division. 中心体:在除真菌以外的所有真核细胞中存在一种结构,在细胞分裂时可以形成纺锤体。
- To define the mechanism underlying this mitotic defect, we generated cells that differ only in their centrosome number. 本期封面所示为具有额外中心体的一个人细胞中的一个过渡性多极纺锤体中间形态。
- Objective: To examine the effects of ECRG2 in centrosome amplification and chromosome instability. 目的:非整倍体是肿瘤细胞的典型特征,是人类肿瘤染色体不稳定性的普遍形式。
- A star - shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having raylike fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis. 星状体在细胞浆内形成的星状结构,在有丝分裂期间有棱形纤维环绕中心体
- So gene instability of tumor cells may be closely correlated with centrosome abnormality,which is a common feature of malignant tumor cel... 中心体异常是恶性肿瘤细胞的普遍特征。现就有关中心体异常在恶性肿瘤特别是膀胱移行细胞癌发生进展中的作用作一综述。
- Accordingly, the researchers have proved that these checkpoint kinases also exist alongside the centrosome and perform their function there. 由此,科学家们证实这些检测点激酶同样存在于细胞中心体附近,并发挥着他们的作用。
- Prior to cell division it replicates, and the sister centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell to lie within the spindle-organizing structure, the centrosome. 它在细胞分裂之前复制,其中一个中心粒移向细胞的另一端,组织纺锤体和中心体。
- Centrosome is a kind of tiny cellular organ, and it plays an important role in the maintenance of cellular polarity and chromosomal segregation during mitosis. 摘要中心体这一微小的细胞器,在有丝分裂中对维持细胞的极性及染色体分离具有重要的调节作用。
- A large amount of evidence has implicated BRCA1 in multiple cellular functions including DNA damage response, transcriptional regulation, and control of centrosome duplication. 有大量的证据表明BRCA1具有有很多功能,包括DNA损伤反应,转录调控和控制中心体的复制。
- BACP (BRCA1 Associated Centrosome Protein) is a centrosome protein interacting with the C-terminal of BRCA1. Analysis based on the bioinformatics indicates that BACP gene localizes on 20pl 1.22-p11.1 and has 23 extrons. BACP(BRCA1 Associated Centrosome Protein)是同BRCA1相互作用的中心体蛋白。
- In the present study, the effect of DOC - 1R expression on DNA replication and centrosome duplication was investigated using plas-mid DNA transfection and dual immunofluorescent microscopy. 我们结合转染技术及间接免疫荧光技术,观察细胞内DOC-1R转染基因表达对于DNA复制以及中心体复制的影响。
- CDK2, one of the important members in CDK family, directly regulates the critical steps in cell cycle progression including transition of G1/S checkpoint, DNA replication and centrosome d. CDK2是CDK家族中的重要成员,它直接参与细胞周期G_1/S限制点、S期DNA复制和中心体复制的调节,它的活性和功能调节是细胞周期运转的的关键环节之一,与细胞癌变有着十分密切的关系。
- More and more importance is attached to the correlation between centrosome abnormity and tumorigenesis,It refers to multiple genes abnormity,mainly separated into oncogene and tumor suppressor gene. 中心体异常与肿瘤发生的相关性已越来越受到人们的重视。