- centriole overduplication 中心粒过度复制
- The mass of cytoplasm surrounding the centriole in a centrosome. 中心球在中心体内中心粒周围的大量细胞质
- The centriole was firstly found in the spermatocyte. 精母细胞开始出现中心粒。
- A single centriole appears at the late stage of spermatid. 晚期精细胞中出现单个中心粒,但在成熟精子中消失。
- Centriole A cell organelle consisting of two short tubular structures orientated at right angles to each other. 中心粒:由两个互成直角的圆筒状小体构成的细胞器。
- The scientific name is poor-signed(porcine) reproductive and resprotory centriole(respiratory syndrome). 科学名称是猪的生产和呼吸综合症。
- The centriole lies outside the nucleus of animal cells and many fungal and protoctist cells, but is absent in cells of most higher plants. 中心粒存在于动物细胞和许多真菌及原生生物的细胞核外,但在大多数高等植物中缺失。
- In vivo Location demonstrated that Septin 1 is located in centriole before mitosis, and later slowly moved to the milieu of nucleus. 细胞内定位显示:Septin1 在有丝分裂前定位于中心粒,后慢慢迁移至核周围。
- At the end of the head have 4 mitochondria and the centriole is in middle of the mitochondria,which formed the axial filament. 成熟精子具帽状顶体,核靠顶体端小,远端大,之后接4个球状线粒体,线粒体之间具中心粒,由中心粒长出鞭毛结构,此类精子在环节动物中为原始类型精子。疣吻沙蚕的繁殖为体外受精,精子集聚在体腔中,没有储精囊和受精囊结构。
- However, the centriole is not essential for spindle formation, although an analogous structure, the basal body, is responsible for organizing the microtubules of UNDULIPODLA. 但中心粒对于纺锤体的形成并不是必须的,尽管具有相似的结构-基体,中心粒对于波动足微管的形成有重要作用。
- The proximal centriole, which is made up of nine triplets of peripheral microtubules, and the distal centriole were arranged at a right angle to each other. 近端中心粒为9组三联微管结构,与远端中心粒相互垂直。
- In animals it is associated with centriole, while in plant and fungal cells spindle formation is associated with reions called microtubule organizing centers. 动物细胞与中心粒相连,而在植物和真菌细胞中,纺锤体与微管组织中心的离子相连。
- The processes of theaerosomc formed from the Golgi complex, of the middle piece formed from the distal centriole and mitochondria and of the tail filament nt formed from the end of distal centriole were explored. 探讨了由高尔基体形成顶体、由远端中心粒和线粒体形成中段、由远端中心粒的未端形成尾丝的过程。
- There is a centriolar complex within implantation fossa which depresses in the middle of the hind nucleus.Centriolar complex consists of proximal centriole, intercentriolar body and basal body. 核后端正中有凹陷入核内的植入窝,中心粒复合体位于植入窝内,由近端中心粒、中心粒间体和基体组成;
- five (occasionally four) mitochondria are seen surrounding the distal centriole of the mid-piece; 中段横切面常见5个(偶见4个)线粒体环绕于中心粒周围;
- Keywords centrosome;centriole;esophageal carcinoma;immunohistochemistry;indirect immunofluorescen; 关键词中心体;中心粒;食管癌;免疫组化;间接免疫荧光;
- five (occasionally six) mitochondria are seen surrounding the distal centriole in the cross sections; 中段横切面常见有5个(偶见6个)线粒体环绕于中心粒周围;
- distal centriole 远侧中心粒
- proximal centriole 近侧中心粒
- centriolen. [生]细胞中心粒;中心体