- centrifugal oil purifier 离心净油器,离心式滤油器
- Fuel oil purifier overhauled and cleaned, gear case oil renewed. 燃油分油机解体清洁,齿轮箱换油。
- Centrifugal type of oil purifier 离心式滤油器
- A configuration supervisory system based on PLC is designed and developed for automatic control and real-time supervisal of vacuum oil purifier. 设计和开发了一种基于PLC的真空净油机组态监控系统,实现真空净油机的自动控制和运行状态实时监测。
- The modification and running condition of the two sets of oil purifier in Echou power generation Co, Ltd were introduced in brief. 简单介绍了鄂州发电有限责任公司两台机组油净化装置的改造和运行情况。
- ZL high-efficiency vacuum oil purifier, certificated product of Ministry of Electricity, is manufactured according to the latest dryness principle and secondary filter technology. 系列高效真空滤油机是电力部定型产品,是本公司根据最新的干燥原理和精密过滤技术研制生产。
- This research group did some experiment researches in the affinity law of impeller trim and the influence of number of blades on the law etc for the original impeller of centrifugal oil pump of type 65Y60 in succession. 本课题组陆续在65Y60型离心油泵原配叶轮切割定律及叶片数的影响等方面作过一些试验研究。
- By similarity analysis method, using Reynold Number (Re) as the reference parameters, the performance characteristic of the centrifugal oil pump changing with the flow coefficient was analyzed. 使用相似分析方法,以雷诺数为准则数,考察了离心油泵在不同流量系数下的性能变化规律。
- This paper analyses the principle of seal, the fault of leakage and the cause of fault to the sealing arrangement for upper bearing unit in SJ 2000 oil purifier, and gives the means of improvement. 此文分析了 SJ2000型分油机上部轴承密封装置的密封机理、漏油故障及故障产生的原因,并提出了改进的方法。
- Transformer oil purifier applies for filtrating and dehydrating transformer oil, mutual conductor oil, switch oil and other kinds of insulation oils. 变压器油净化器适用于过滤和脱水的变压器油,相互导体油,开关油和其他种类的绝缘油。
- double-case vertical centrifugal oil pump 双壳体立式离心油泵
- Design and practice of centrifugal oil filter 离心式滤油器设计实践
- Marine self-priming centrifugal oil pump CZY-type CZY型船用自吸离心式油泵
- self-priming centrifugal oil pump 自吸式离心油泵
- Oil purifier WangKun Oil Painting Art Studio 王琨油画艺术工作室
- YJF series coalescence &separation oil purifier is mainly used to purify turbine oil online and to remove water, impurity of other low-viscosity oil and break emulsion. 用途:YJF系列聚结分离式净油机主要应用于汽轮机油的在线脱水、脱杂净化,也可以对其它低粘度油液进行脱水、脱杂、破乳化的净化处理。
- ZJA series double-stage high vacuum transformer oil purifier applies for filtrating and dehydrating transformer oil, mutual conductor oil, switch oil and other kinds of insulation oils. zja系列双级高真空变压器油净化器适用于过滤和脱水的变压器油,相互导体油,开关油和其他种类的绝缘油。
- Model AY Single and Double Stage Centrifugal Oil Pump AY型单、双级离心油泵
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。