- We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort. 我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。
- All the shop in the centre of town close on Sunday. 星期日市中心的所有商店关门。
- With a sudden output of effort he moved the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。
- He has a flat in the centre of town. 在市中心他有一套单元房。
- He have buy a shoe shop in the centre of town. 他在市镇中心买下一个鞋店。
- The little girl pieced the story together after a lot of effort. 小女孩费了好大劲才拼凑出来那个故事。
- She soon becomes the centre of attention. 她很快成为大家注意的人物。
- The new library was built in the centre of the campus. 新图书馆建在校园的中心。
- Trying to hit a humbug was a waste of effort. 想打一个欺骗兽就跟想跟他们说话一样是白费力气。
- In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of the controversy. 伽利略在世之日一直是激烈的论战中心。
- The council has veto all plans to hold protest march in the centre of town. 地方议会否决所有在市中心举行抗议游行的计划。
- A wrong approach means a waste of effort. 路子不对等于白费劲儿。
- The gang rob shopkeeper in the centre of the town. 犯罪团伙在市镇中心抢劫商店老板。
- Controlling oneself takes a lot of effort. 要控制自己很不容易。
- She loves to be the centre of interest. 她喜欢成为人们注意的中心。
- With a sudden output of effort he moves the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。
- Although London is Britain's capital it is not at the centre of the country. 伦敦虽是英国的首都,但并非位于全国的中心。
- Learning any language takes a lot of effort. 学习任何语言都需要花费很多努力。
- He passed the exams with the minimum of effort. 他没费什么劲就通过了考试。
- At the centre of the park there is a fountain. 公园正中有一个喷泉。