- centre narrowing tackle 中央收针装置
- The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle. 小橱里塞满了旧的钓鱼用具。
- That new shopping centre is a real eyesore. 那个新的购物中心真是难看极了。
- The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola. 这条街太窄,大型货车不能通过。
- Some people tackle the difficult jobs first. 有的人爱先做难做的工作。
- A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre. 传教士站在市镇中心慷慨陈词。
- The mountain path is narrow and rugged. 狭隘的山路崎岖不平。
- The travelers edged warily along the narrow road. 旅游者沿着狭窄的小路小心前行。
- The footballer side-stepped the tackle. 该足球队员向旁边跨步以避开对方拦截动作。
- Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。
- A chill struck into the narrow of his bones. 他感到一股寒意,透入骨髓。
- The strikers paraded through the city centre. 罢工者游行通过市中心。
- What's the best way to tackle this problem? 什么是解决这个问题的最好方法?
- The police has cordoned off the town centre. 警察用警戒线围住市中心。
- The tide flushed through this narrow inlet. 潮水涌过了狭窄的小湾。
- I'll tackle the boss for a raise. 我将与老板交涉要求增加薪水。
- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石
- Many legends centre about this historical figure. 许多传说以这个历史人物为中心。
- The tackle looked fair but a free kick was awarded. 阻截动作看上去并未犯规,但被判罚任意球。
- John forgot to bring fishing tackle with him. 约翰忘了带钓具。