- In recent years many veteran comrades have left their posts in the central leadership. 近年来,不少老同志已相继退出了中央领导岗位。
- The central leadership can exercise macrocontrol only if its instructions are carried out. 宏观管理要体现在中央说话能够算数。
- We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by the central leadership. 我们应当放弃所有与中央领导所宣布的有抵触的意见。
- The main point I want to make is that the central leadership must have authority. 我的中心意思是,中央要有权威。
- We must make it a principle that reform is to be carried out under unified central leadership. 我们要定一个方针,就是要在中央统一领导下深化改革。
- Chen Duxiu, Qu Qiubai, Xiang Zhongfa, Li Lisan and Wang Ming all failed to form a capable central leadership. 从陈独秀、瞿秋白、向忠发、李立三到王明,都没有形成过有能力的中央。
- After I resumed office in the central leadership in 1974 and 1975,I criticized that view. 我在一九七四年、一九七五年重新回到中央工作时就批驳了这种观点。
- The central leadership has shown great determination to implement the principle of "one country,two systems". 中央领导人以坚定不移的决心,落实“一国两制”的原则。
- Chen Duxiu,Qu Qiubai,Xiang Zhongfa,Li Lisan and Wang Ming all failed to form a capable central leadership. 从陈独秀、瞿秋白、向忠发、李立三到王明,都没有形成过有能力的中央。
- Historically,our Party never had a mature central leadership before the Zunyi Meeting. 在历史上,遵义会议以前,我们的党没有形成过一个成熟的党中央。
- But if the central leadership had been in disarray, it would have been hard to say what would have happened. 但是如果中央自己乱了阵脚,那就难说了。
- Historically, our Party never had a mature central leadership before the Zunyi Meeting. 在历史上,遵义会议以前,我们的党没有形成过一个成熟的党中央。
- Central leadership and instructions, Shenyang officials to Lok Ma East 16, misappropriated funds amount recovered. 中央领导批示查处,阳东16官员为此落马,被挪用的国债资金如数追回。
- Chen Duxiu, Qu Qiubai, Xiang Zhongfa, Li Lisan and Wang Ming all failed to form a capable central leadership . 从陈独秀、瞿秋白、向忠发、李立三到王明,都没有形成过有能力的中央。
- Now the central leadership issues orders and exercises its authority only on the major question -- - the question of basic direction. 现在中央说话,中央行使权力,是在大的问题上,在方向问题上。
- It is under new conditions that we are raising the questions of the authority of the central leadership, macrocontrol and the deepening of reform in all areas. 我们讲中央权威,宏观控制,深化综合改革,都是在这样的新的条件下提出来的。
- Now the central leadership issues orders and exercises its authority only on the major question -- the question of basic direction. 现在中央说话,中央行使权力,是在大的问题上,在方向问题上。
- A new central leadership was endorsed at the First Plenary Session of the 16th Central Congress on November 15, with Hu Jintao as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee. 11月15日举行的第十六届中央委员会第一次全体会议选举产生了新一届中央领导,胡锦涛当选为中共中央总书记。
- Spring 1959, Deng Xiaoping and other central leadership of the West Qinling Hall Tour, has repeatedly Ning testator, to well-protected. 1959年春,邓小平等中央领导游览西秦会馆时,一再咛嘱,要好好保护起来。
- It fears that if the Swat operation is not concluded quickly these groups may unite under the central leadership of al-Qaeda and the Taliban. 如果白瓦沙袭击不能速战速决,军方担心这些反叛组织会以基地组织和塔利班为领导中心勾结在一起。