- He is out of step with modem life/ideas. 他与现代生活思想格格不入。
- He's out of step with modern ideas. 他同现代思想不合拍。
- One dancer was fractionally out of step. 有个跳舞人的舞步稍微有些不合拍。
- She is out of step with modern life. 她与现代生活格格不入。
- Tom always marches out of step with the music. 汤姆行进的步伐总是同音乐不合拍。
- George is always out of step with the music. 乔治的步伐总是与音乐的节拍不合。
- He has frequently been out of step with society. 他常常同社会不合拍。
- Wages are out of step with the cost of living. 工资与生活费不成正比。
- She was out of step with her colleagues. 她和同事们想法不一样。
- His methods are out of step with the times. 他的那些方法与时代不适应。
- He is out of step with modern life. 他与现代生活不合拍。
- He is out of step withthe rest of us. 他同我们大家不协调。
- He still had the breathlessness of out of doors. 他还有从户外带来的那种急促的呼吸。
- Tim seems out of step with the times. 蒂姆看起来不合潮流。
- George always marches out of step with the music. 乔治的步子总是和音乐不合拍。
- Wages is out of step with the cost of living. 工资与生活费不成正比。
- He's out of step with the rest of us. 他和我们大家步伐不大谐调。
- Tom is out of step with the times. 汤姆跟不上时代的步伐。
- The old man climbed up the stairs being out of out to character. 这位老人上气不接下气地上了楼。
- He moved the table over to the center of the room. 他把桌子移到房间中心。