- cement concrete pavernent 水泥混凝土路面
- The cement concrete pavement is one of both high-type pavements. 水泥混凝土路面是两大高级路面类型之一。
- The problem of cement concrete pavement repair was studied. 对水泥混凝土路面修复问题进行了研究。
- Failare Analysis and Protection of Paving of Cement Concrete Bridge. 水泥砼桥面铺装病害原因分析及防治。
- This paper abrievely analyses the reason of cement concrete, and put f. 主要分析了混凝土温度裂缝的产生原因,并提出了预防措施。
- How Does Cement Concrete Road Surface of Dana Road (the Border of Guizhou Province) Fall into Disrepair? 大纳公路(贵州境)水泥混凝土路面破损原因分析?
- Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Cement Concrete Pavements II. 公路水泥混凝土路面施工技术规范2。
- In the alternation of wetting-dry sulfate corrosion environment,the Portland cement concrete is not suitably used. 在干湿交替的硫酸盐侵蚀环境中;不宜采用普通水泥混凝土.
- It will be easy for cement concrete road surface to crack and even to rupture if it is constructed in hot seasons. 水泥混凝土在炎热季节下进行施工,容易使新施工的水泥混凝土路面产生裂缝,甚至发生断板。
- Asphaltum concrete or cement concrete can be applied to ensure certain strength and stability. 可采用沥青混凝土或水泥混凝土,并具有一定的强度和稳定性。
- Based on interface science principle,effect of silanes waterproof coatings on cement concrete surface was revealed. 依照界面科学原理,叙述硅烷系防水涂料在水泥混凝土表面的作用。
- Finally,using the asphalt overlay construction technology to repair cement concrete pavement is brought forwar. 最后,提出水泥混凝土路面修复过程的沥青加铺层的施工技术。
- The paper discussed the reason of ruleless break in cement concrete pavement, and put forward the preventing measures. 本文就水泥混凝土路面无规则断裂的原因进行了讨论,并提出了一些防治措施。
- Analysis is made on the formations of the crake and broken slab in cement concrete pavement, and given the precautions. 通过对水泥混凝土路面裂缝和断板病害产生原因的分析,从设计和施工方面提出防治措施。
- As far as the rebuilding of damaged cement concrete are covering with bituminous layer and using steel fiber concrete. 摘要文章介绍水泥混凝土路面损坏后的改造方法,主要有加铺沥青层和采用钢纤维混凝土修补等。
- In china, the micro-surfacing is mostly used to bituminous pavement and cement concrete deck at present. 在我国,微表处目前大多用于沥青路面和水泥砼桥面。
- The main distresses of cement concrete pavement are transverse cracking, irregular surface cracking and joint failures. 水泥混凝土路面最常见的病害主要是断板、表面的不规则裂缝和裂缝处的损坏。
- Hattori.K.etal.Slump retention by pebble-like Surperplasticizer, Cement Concrete,No.443(in Japanese). 冯乃谦.;天然沸石混凝土应用技术
- With FDM, the stress and displacement distributions of any parts of the cement concrete slab can be easily achieved. 利用有限差分法则能克服这个缺陷,并能方便地计算出整个板体不同部位的应力和位移分布。
- Through the analyses of the skidproof and wearable cement concrete pavements the countermeasures are given. 通过分析水泥砼路面抗滑、耐磨性的影响因素,介绍了水泥砼路面抗滑、耐磨性的技术条件及措施。