- When repudiating the facts, his cell phone received a short message: “drugs you posted arrived”. 正当林利百般抵赖之时,其手机突然收到一条短信:“你邮寄的药品已收到。”
- For their own cell phone received dozens of harassing messages, the 23-year-old Zhang Qin is a great deal. 对于自己手机里收到的几十条骚扰短信,23岁的张琴感到很烦恼。
- cell phone receiver 手机扬声器
- What's the matter with Polly's cell phone? 波利的手机怎么了?
- Experimented by dialing patterns on a phone receiver. 藉由打一个电话接收器拨式样实验。
- The cell phone battery indicator. 手机电池指示标记。
- The cell phone blew up due to overheating. 这个行动电话因为过热而挂了。
- Hey, Marco. I lost my cell phone again. 我又把手机丢了。
- I was charged with stealing a cell phone. 我被控告投手机。
- Waitress: The cook lost his cell phone! 厨师把他的手机给丢了!
- Cell phone headaches all in the mind? 都是手机惹的祸?
- A: I love your new cell phone case. 我好喜爱你新的手机套。
- Remember the first time you held a cell phone? 还记得第一次手中握着手机吗?
- Don't call my cell phone while I'm on vacation. 我在度假的时候别打我的移动电话。
- Enjoy the thrill of your vibrating cell phone. 享受振动手机发抖的快感。
- If you love your cell phone, don't yell at it. 如果你爱她,就别冲她发吼。
- What cell phone ringtone do you use now? 你现在使用的手机型号?
- I even set the alarm time on everyone's cell phone. 把大家的手机都上闹钟了。
- Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand. 浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。
- Please switch off your cell phone. 请关掉手机!