- We need to set a ceiling on the price of corn. 我们得给玉米价格设个上限。
- Did God take the earth on rent from you? 神有向你租地么?
- Forty percent of his income goes on rent. 他收入的40%25花在房租上。
- He jumped up to the ceiling on hearing the news. 得知这个消息,他暴跳起来。
- We spend a disproportionate amount of our money on rent. 我们花在房租上的钱太多了。
- ceiling on rent 房租的最高标准
- We spend a disproportionateamount of our money on rent. 我们花在房租上的钱太多了。
- We spend a disproportionate amount of our income on rent. 我们的收入花在房租上的比例太大了。
- He hasn't worked for a long time, but lived on rent. 他早已经不上班了,靠吃瓦片儿过日子。
- The hundred-dollar ceiling on the purchase of Chinese goods was lifted. 购买中国商品的百元限额被取消了。
- My landlord gave me a discount on rent, and a free parking spot to boot! 房东不仅给我打折,关键是还给我一个免费的停车位。
- The lack of any ceiling on the liability of a partner may deter a wealthy person from entering a partnership. 缺乏上限的合伙人负债可能阻止富有的人参加合伙。
- The Chancellor of the Exchequer is putting a financial ceiling on the Health Service. 财政大臣给保健服务定下了经费上限。
- The White House insisted on a five-year agreement with a ceiling on permitted purchases. 白宫坚持要签订一项为期五年的协定,规定允许采购的最高限额。
- Will China hit a ceiling on innovation because of its political authoritarianism? That's what we need to watch for. 中国的创新会由于政治上的权力主义而碰到一个“天花板吗?这是我们要注意的问题。
- Statutory controls on rent and security of tenure have a long history in Hong Kong. 本港在楼宇租金及保障租住权方面实施法定管制,已有一段很长的历史。
- In India, the ceiling on remittances by nonresident Indians has gradually been lifted over the past five years, to 0,000 in 2009, the study said. 研究报告说,过去5年来,非居民印度籍人士的汇款上限在逐步提高,2009年时提高到了20万美元。
- ITC, Jializhongxin export apartments on rent for 15 U.S. dollars per square metre, and "ordinary" word fundamental edge off longer. 国贸、嘉里中心的外销公寓,每平方米月租金为15美元,与“普通”二字根本沾不着边儿。
- In India, the ceiling on remittances by nonresident Indians has gradually been lifted over the past five years, to $200,000 in 2009, the study said. 研究报告说,过去5年来,非居民印度籍人士的汇款上限在逐步提高,2009年时提高到了20万美元。
- He cracked his nut on the ceiling. 他的头让天花板碰破了。