- Methods: To search the bibliographic database of CHKD periodicals, and to analyze statistically the reports on ADRs of ceftriaxone sodium. 方法:检索CHKD期刊全文数据岸,对头孢曲松钠不良反应的报道进行统计、分析。
- Results: The ADRs of ceftriaxone sodium had various manifestation,mostly allergic reactions. 结果:头孢曲松钠不良反应类型较多,主要以过敏反应居多。
- Objective:To discuss the effect of ceftriaxone sodium for injection to spontaneous peritonitis. 目的:探讨可赛舒治疗自发性腹膜炎的疗效。
- Conclusions: ceftriaxone sodium for injection was deserve popularizing to treat with spontaneous peritonitis. 结论:可赛舒作为一种广谱抗生素治疗自发性腹膜炎值得推广。
- OBJECTIVE To find out the regulareity of ADRs associated with ceftriaxone sodium to guide rational drug use. 目的探讨头孢哌酮所致不良反应的一般规律和特点,以帮助临床合理用药。
- Detection model of ceftriaxone sodium was established by near-infrared analysis and the chromatism was determined. 应用近红外光谱分析技术,建立了头孢曲松钠色差的检测模型,并快速、准确地测定了头孢曲松钠的色差。
- Methods: To search the bibliographic database of CHKD periodicals,and to analyze statistically the reports on ADRs of ceftriaxone sodium. 方法:检索CH-KD期刊全文数据库,对头孢曲松钠不良反应的报道进行统计、分析。
- Objective: To research the regularity and features of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with ceftriaxone sodium and to guide rational drug use. 摘要目的:探讨头孢曲松钠所致不良反应的一般规律和特点,以指导临床合理用药。
- CONCLUSION Clinical physicians and pharmaceutist should pay attention to ADRs of ceftriaxone sodium and rational drug use. 结论临床医生应重视头孢哌酮的不良反应监测,合理用药。
- Conclusion: Clinical physicians and pharmaceutists should pay attention to ADRs of ceftriaxone sodium and rational drug use. 结论:临床医生应重视头孢曲松钠的不良反应监测,合理用药。
- We are certifying that the goods:ceftriaxone sodium(non sterile)shipped on Jan.13,2009 under LC 20309IM00005 conform to the in-house specification. 兹证明我司09年1月13日发的信用证(证号:20309IM00005)项下的货物:头孢曲松钠符合企业标准.
- Objective:To study the effect of prophylaxis with ceftriaxone sodium in prevention of postoperative surgical infections in ceasarean operation. 目的:观察在剖宫产术中应用菌必治预防术后感染发生的效果。
- Among 21 antibiotics used for drug sensitive test, 4 of them were highly sensitive, they were Cefotaxime Sodium, Fosfomycin Sodium, Florfenicol, Ceftriaxone Sodium respectively. 在21种受试药物中,高敏的药物有4种,分别为头孢噻肟钠、磷霉素钠、氟苯尼考、头孢曲松钠。
- Statistically analyze the reports on ADR of ceftriaxone sodium RESULTS The ADRs of ceftriaxone involves various manifestations, mostly allergic reactions. 结果头孢哌酮不良反应类型较多,主要以过敏反应居多。
- Objective:Using the headspace Gas-chromatography methods to measure the assay of residual solvent (methanol,acetic ether and isopropyl alcohol) meanwhile in Ceftriaxone sodium. 目的:建立一种气相色谱法同时测定头孢曲松钠中有机溶剂甲醇、乙酸乙酯、异丙醇残留量的方法。
- The content of triazin in ceftriaxone sodium was calculated through peak area ratio between its area in test solution and ceftriaxone sodium area in 1.0% reference solution according to European Pharmacopoeia. 根据欧洲药典方法;用质量分数为1.;0%25的头孢曲松钠对照液做对照;以头孢曲松钠供试液中三嗪环的峰面积与质量分数为1
- The rates of drug resistance of both Streptomycin and Neomycin were 60%, that of Ofloxacin was 40%, that of Osytetracyclinym, Furazolidone, Ceftriaxone Sodium and Colistin was 20% respectively. 对链霉素、新霉素的耐药率均为60%25,对氧氟沙星的耐药率均为40%25,对土霉素、利特灵、头孢三嗪、硫酸粘杆菌素的耐药率为20%25。
- To recrystal ceftriaxone sodium in ethanol-water solution,the yield of 94 percent was reached,good flowablity and crystallization were largly improved and its good quanlity and stability were showed. 采用乙醇-水体系精制头孢曲松钠,收率可达94%25,产品流动性与晶型得到大幅度改善,产品质量和稳定性也有较大提高。
- Sodium and water react (together). 钠和水能起反应。
- Keywords Syphilis;Ceftriaxone sodium;Bicillin;Serology; 梅毒;头孢曲松钠;苄星青霉素;血清学;