- caving method roof control 垮落法控制顶板
- The key point of Grand pressure law on working face of seam top coal caving method,the method of dealing with them,firstly caving and end caving of working face roof control are discussed. 论述了中厚煤层综采放顶煤工作面矿压显现规律和顶板管理的特点,指出了综放工作面顶板管理的方法,以及工作面初采、收作时顶板管理的要点。
- The Analysis on Roof Control of Working Face of Medium-thickness Coal Seam Comprehensive Mechanized Top Coal Caving Method 中厚煤层综采放顶煤工作面顶板管理
- Roof Control Method of Blasting Caving Coal 炮采放顶煤顶板控制方法
- Sublevel Mechanized caving method shows the characteristics of high out-put,more dust sources,high dust concentration and difficult to control. 煤矿综采放顶煤工作面开采强度大、产尘尘源多、粉尘浓度高,因而对尘毒的治理难度大。
- BDMX coal-mining method incluedes wall layout,roof control by ladder prop and bolt,and descending coal-mining. 阐述了BDMX采煤法,即“壁式布置,刀柱加锚固式管理顶板,下行开采”采煤法在新庄煤矿的应用。
- The paper introduces roof control methods of goaf of large mining height fully-mechanized face by artificial forced caving with deep-hole blasting at seam 14 of Silaogou Mine and analyzes the effect. 介绍大同煤矿集团公司四老沟矿14%23层404盘区8402大采高综采工作面人工强制深孔爆破处理采空区顶板的技术,并对其效果进行了分析。
- BDMX coal-mining method incluedes wall layout,roof control by ladder prop and bolt,and descending coal-mining.Its application in Xinzhuang mine is introduced. 阐述了BDMX采煤法,即“壁式布置,刀柱加锚固式管理顶板,下行开采”采煤法在新庄煤矿的应用。
- Feasible drawing interval is the basis to study mining equipment of fully-mechanize coal mining with caving method. 综放开采的合理放煤步距是研制综放工作面成套技术装备的基础,是提高综放工作面采出率与煤质的关键之一。
- Tonkuangyu Copper Mine sets up a set of simple and convenient monitoring system of orebody caving state in the mine stope to use block caving method. 铜矿峪铜矿在自然崩落法采场中,建立了一整套简便易行的矿体崩落状态监测系统。
- The paper is of important instructive importance to reduce loss and depletion by sublevel caving method without sill pilla... 并对今后无底柱分段崩落法降低损失贫化具有重要的指导意义。
- To simulate the problem,a numerical analysis method,FLAC3D is applied to analysis the depressurization range of sublevel caving method. 应用FLAC3D对分段崩落法的卸压范围进行了数值分析,据此确定出适于卸压的采场结构,由此形成了无底柱分段崩落法开采倾斜矿体的卸压开采方案。
- The roof control design in mined field is the key to roof control and the movement rule of roof terrane is the basis of the roof control design. 采场控顶设计是顶板管理的关键因素,而顶板岩层的运动规律是采场控顶设计的依据。
- On the basis of industry test,this paper analyses mining feasibility of applying roadway caving method and caving broken mechanism in high gas steeply indined medium coal seams. 在工业性试验的基础上,分析了在高瓦斯急倾斜中厚煤层中应用巷道放顶煤法开采的可行性和顶煤的破碎机理。
- This method is able to show the characteristics of Datong direct roofs,also has guiding meaning for roof control practice. 这种方法,既能反映大同直接顶板的特点,又对顶板控制的实践具有指导意义。
- In light of the characteristics of Nonpillar sublevel caving method,Probability integral method is used to predict mining subsidence and modified to improve predicting accuracy. 针对无底柱分段崩落法的采矿特点,把概率积分法引入金属矿山开采沉陷预测中,并通过模型修正提高预测精度。
- The paper described in detail the high undercover large mining coal face roof control the basic requirements of the roof control and the strengthening of specific measures. 该文详细叙述了大采高卧底煤工作面顶板控制的基本要求和加强顶板控制的具体措施。
- The rockfall hazard will take place inevitably under the condition of steeper hillside after ground collapse or cave to ground surface caused by exploitation with caving method. 摘要在山体下进行崩落开采崩通或塌陷到地表时,在陡峭的山体地形条件下将不可避免地产生滚石灾害。
- This paper described the practice of using combined beam theory and suspensory theory,such as roof bolt,net,steel rope,and shotcrete being used together to strenthen roof control. 应用组合梁和悬吊理论,对松软岩层采用支护新技术,即锚、网、带、索、喷等联合支护方式,加强对松软岩层巷道顶板的控制,降低了材料支护费用,提高了软岩巷道支护的可靠性,同时也提高了松软岩巷的掘进速度。
- Most of mines whore a pillarlcss sublcvcl caving method is introduced experience ground pressure, as manifested by deformation and damage of mining entrances and connecting slots. 在使用无底柱分段崩落法的矿山,大都存在着地压现象。其主要表现是采矿进路和联络道的变形破坏。