- The cavalry unit must be remounted immediately. 骑兵部队必须立即补充新马。
- An inexpensive cavalry unit, useful for supplementing more expensive knights. 斯文纳骑兵战力较弱,多与精锐骑士共同出战。
- This in turn leads to a better cut of cavalry unit that can be mustered in the city, and more enthralling races. 因此,苏丹赛马场的建成,令城市可以组建精锐骑兵部队,以及举办更为惊心动魄的马术竞技。
- This light cavalry unit is accustomed to raiding and skirmishing and can quickly be overcome in a prolonged melee with the wrong enemy. 素质:民兵类型:地方兵种这些轻骑兵擅长偷袭和突击,一旦与敌军重装部队缠战,难免死伤惨重。
- Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units. 贵族马厩允许训练更为精锐的骑兵部队。
- The budget will determine how many infantry and cavalry units will be available. 这项预算会决定可用多少步兵和装甲部队。
- Master Horse Breeders' Guild notably improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region. 牧马大师行会能够明显提高城邑中骑兵部队作战能力。
- For many factions, this building represents the largest investment they must make to access their finest cavalry units. 对许多国家而言,贵族马厩是他们为训练精锐骑兵而必须付出的昂贵代价。
- a member of a European light cavalry unit 欧洲轻骑兵编队中的一员
- Fast and manoeuvrable light cavalry units, Jinetes hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords. 标枪骑兵来去如风,极为灵活。对敌时率先标枪飞掷,然后挥动长剑杀入敌阵。
- Mercenaries wearing light armour and equipped with spears, useful for armies lacking sufficient defence against cavalry units. 雇佣矛兵身穿轻甲,使用长矛作战,可增强军队对骑兵的防御能力。
- The cavalry units that fought in Hungary and Czechoslovakia were practically infantry units, because they lacked horses or trucks. 因为缺少马匹或卡车,所以骑兵部队在匈牙利和捷克斯洛伐克的战斗中被当做步兵来使用。
- Fast and manoeuvrable light cavalry units, who hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords. 这些部落队伍装备轻甲和标枪。这些骑士的机动率快速,能够使用环形射击战术扰乱对手。
- a cavalry unit corresponding to an infantry company. 与步兵连相应的骑兵单位。
- The Kataphractoi trace their origins back to Roman times and are recruited from amongst the middle classes, providing the Byzantine army with a force of well trained and disciplined cavalry units. 素质:高级类型:后期专业部队铁甲圣骑兵直可向上溯源至罗马时代,目前其士兵主要来自中产阶级,是训练有素、军纪森严的拜占庭职业骑兵。
- a member of a European light cavalry unit; renowned for elegant dress. 欧洲轻骑兵编队中的一员;以端装的衣服著称。
- SOV will no longer build Cavalry units 苏联不会再建造骑兵部队
- His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment. 他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- many cavalry units can fight dismounted; 许多单位能下马作战;