- crimes for causing traffic troubles 交通肇事罪
- Problems Concerning the Crime of Causing Traffic Trouble--With an Approach to the Judicial Interpretation on Causing Traffic Trouble 交通肇事罪若干问题研究--兼析有关交通肇事司法解释
- causing traffic trouble 交通肇事
- The snowstorm caused traffic to fall away sharply. 暴风雪使车辆行人大大减少。
- Vendors rs stands spread unchecked, causing traffic jams. 乱设摊点泛滥成灾,造成交通堵塞。
- Debris flowed down the road, causing traffic to stop temporarily. 泥石流冲泻到公路上,交通出现暂时中断。
- What do you think often causes traffic accidents? 你认为什么会导致交通事故?
- What do you think often causes traffic accidents ? 你认为是什么经常引起交通事故?
- I don't hold out much hope that our traffic troubles will improve. 我对交通问题会得到改善一事不抱很大希望。
- Generally those who drink will cause traffic accidents. 大凡酒后开车的都易出车祸。
- An accident caused traffic to be brought up to a standstill. 一起事故使得交通堵塞了。
- I'm afraid I'm causing you much trouble. 我怕给你增添很多麻烦。
- A truck overturned on Zhongshan N. Rd. and caused traffic to back up yesterday. 一辆卡车昨天在中山北路翻覆,造成交通回堵。
- Causing trouble or anxiety; worrisome. 令人烦恼的引起烦忧或忧虑的; 令人忧虑的
- However, the large influx of people did not cause traffic jams or other problems, as Hangzhou had prepared well for this. 杭州对此早就做好了准备,所以大量的人流并没造成交通拥堵或其他问题。
- But wherever Zhao went he would cause traffic jams and obstruct pavements as stunned crowds gathered to gawp. 但赵良所到之处,都会因惊讶的人们围观而造成塞车和道路阻塞。
- Generalized the index that cause traffic accident at interchange ramp, and resolved the mechanism of traffic accident. 基于对事故成因的理解,解析了快速路交通事故的形成机理;
- But, with over 12,000 yellow cabs in the Big Apple, they also cause traffic jams. 但是被称作“大苹果”的纽约拥有12,000多辆黄色出租车, 塞车也就成了家常便饭。
- Thank you for the trouble I am causing you. 有渎清神,再次致谢。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事