- causation of epidemic disease 疫学因果关系
- Summer has a high incidence of epidemic diseases. 夏天是传染病的高发季节。
- That kind of epidemic disease has long been stamped out. 那种传染病早已绝迹。
- C onclusions We should strengthen the reporting of epidemic disease in ru ral and indiviual medical institutions. 结论应该加强乡、村、个体医疗机构的疫情报告管理工作。
- As a type of epidemic disease that develops covertly, osteoporosis is increasingly threatening people's survival quality and life. 骨质疏松症作为一种“隐匿进展的流行病”正日益威胁着人们的生存质量和寿命。
- Can pass before this kind of epidemic disease adjust the organism in animal stomach comes of block up firedamp generate. 这种疫前可以通过调节动物胃里的有机体来阻碍甲烷的生成。
- To discuss the diffusing paths of epidemic disease, climate conditions in pestholes and main types of those are cliscussed. 并分析了唐代疫病的传播途径、疫区气候条件及唐代疫病的主要类型。
- After the development for the second time, GIS is supposed to be a proper solution to the design on supervisal information system of epidemic disease... 笔者认为,这个系统经二次开发,可很好的用于疫病监控信息系统的建设,大有开发价值。
- After the development for the second time,GIS is supposed to be a proper solution to the design on supervisal information system of epidemic disease and th... 笔者认为,这个系统经二次开发,可很好的用于疫病监控信息系统的建设,大有开发价值。
- Through the analyses of the Tang dynasty s poems,it is considered that the thinking about the source of epidemic disease in Tang dynasty was the idea of loimic ghost before the Qin dynasty. 通过对唐诗之“疫”的探讨,认为唐朝对疫病产生原因的认识是来源于秦汉以前的疫鬼思想;
- Osteoporosis is regarded as a type of epidemic disease that develops covertly,being a health problem of common concern in these days.So far,the mechanism of osteoporosis remains uncertain. 骨质疏松症作为一种十分流行的疾病,已被人们看作是一个严重影响人类健康的公共卫生问题,但到目前为止,人们对骨质疏松的确切发病机制仍不十分清楚。
- Post and telecommunications departments shall give priority to transmissions of reports of epidemic diseases. 邮电部门对疫情报告应当优先传送。
- Environmental viruses (airborne or waterborne) such as SARS and HAV are basic origin of epidemic diseases. 空气、水中的一些致病病毒是疾病传播的一个重要途径,如SARS病毒、甲型肝炎病毒等。
- Ancient China is a country characteristic of epidemic diseases and peo ple s struggle against the diseases. 古代中国是个多疫病的国家,我国劳动人民与疫病进行了顽强的抗争。
- To that end the parties acknowledged the need to mobilise available resources and launch joint work on preventing the spread of epidemic diseases. 为此,应利用现有资源,就防止传染病扩散开展联合工作。
- That kind of epidemic; disease has long been stamped out. 那种传染病早已绝迹。
- The general public have a better concept of health and a higher awareness of personal,food and environmental hygiene; and the incidence of epidemic diseases will be reduced. 市民对于个人的食物和环境生的意识和健康文化有所提高,香港传染病的发病率下降。
- Hunters of wild animals on the grasslands shall be required to observe strictly the regulations of the local people's governments concerning the prevention of epidemic diseases. 猎捕草原野生动物,应当严格遵守当地人民政府关于预防疫病流行的有关规定。
- And the mastery of usual indicative pathological changes of epidemic diseases of animals for table purposes is of great importance in the inspection after slaughter. 指征性病变在肉用动物的宰后检验中起着重要的指示作用,对于常见肉用动物疫病指征性病变的掌握在屠宰检验中是至关重要的。
- Weather is a predominant influence in the causation of cold injury. 在招致寒冷损伤中,气候是一个突出的影响因素。