- Granger.C.W.J.Investigating Causal Relations by Econometrical Models and Cross-Spectral Methods [J]. 华仁海;仲伟俊.;我国期货市场期货价格收益、交易量、流动性关系的动态分析[J]
- For as we usually understand causal relations, one thing affects another by interacting with it, say by colliding with it. 因为,按我们对因果关系的通常理解,一个东西通过相互作用(相互碰撞)来影响另一个东西。
- Fatherly, the change of trading variables is the major causality of increasing pollution outlet, while, the reverse causality relations is not the case. 贸易变量的变化是引起污染排放增加的原因,而反向的因果关系则不存在(污染排放变化不是引起贸易变量变化的原因)。
- The fallacy of arguing from temporal sequence to a causal relation. 论证时,时间的前后关系与因果关系混淆。
- The purpose of the present study is to investigate how the causal relations in an English narrative text influenced EFL learners' inferential process in reading. 研究的目的在于探讨英文中的因果关系如何影响中国学生理解英文记叙性的文本。
- The other is the possession of intentionality or“aboutness” by mental states: physical states stand in spatio-temporal and causal relations to each other, but are not intrinsically about anything. 另一种是心理状态的意向性或相关性,而身体状态则以时空属性和因果关系及彼此交融为基础,但时空与因果又不是任何东西所固有的。
- Flume regards our idea of causal relation as the product of human mind's habitual association. 摘要休谟因果观的实质在于把因果关系看成是人心习惯联想的产物。
- In this stage, the child mainly saw through oneself some phenomena explain between the thing causal relation. 在这个阶段,孩子主要通过自己看到的一些现象来解释事物之间的因果关系。
- In fact, the available evidence satisfies most standard epidemiological criteria for establishing a causal relation. 事实上,现有的证据可以满足流行病学上成立因果关系的大多数标准。
- It emphasizes the critical role of the causer among the semantic components, which form the causal relation. 在构造致使关系的各种语义因素中,致事起着关键作用。
- Between the different ornaments there is no causal relation. When you re-melt an ornament to make another, there is no causal relation between the two. 不同的金饰之间并无必然的关系。当你将一件金饰熔化再打造另一件,两件之间也没必然关系。
- Metropolitan Edison, an effect qualifies as environmental only if it has a "reasonably close causal relation" to a change in the physical environment . 在大都市爱迪生有限公司一案中,如果影响与自然环境的改变有着“合理的直接因果关系”,那么这种影响可被看作是环境方面的影响。
- METHODS:Levofloxacin-induced ADR case reports collected from Sichuan ADRs monitor center were analyzed and the causal relation of ADRs was evaluated. 方法:分析四川省药品不良反应监测中心数据库中左氧氟沙星相关的不良反应病例报告,并进行不良反应发生的因果关系评价。
- The above undesirable tendency's occurrence lacks English language sense with the middle school vegetal period to have the direct causal relation. 以上不良现象的发生都与中学生长期缺乏英语语感有着直接的因果关系。
- The human experts often could infer the almost reasonable conclusion by using the indefinite fact and the causal relation. 人类专家往往可以利用客观世界中不确定的事实和因果关系,通过不精确推理来得出近乎合理的结论。
- Affects the specialized study and sings the effect display the hazardous nature, elaborated, revelation causal relation inevitability. 影响专业学习和演唱效果发挥的危害性,加以阐述,揭示因果关系必然性。
- Human who every has morbidly suspicious mind, always fictionalizes some causal relation to explain why others will have such speech and behavior. 凡有疑心病的人,总是虚构一些因果关系去解释别人为什么会有这样的举止言谈。
- It means the coopetition model sets up by this research can explanatory the causality relation of the five constructs in south area of leisure agricultural farms. 显示本研究所建构之模式可用于解释南部地区休閒农场在竞合构面间的因果关系。
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。
- Under Metropolitan Edison, an effect qualifies as environmental only if it has a "reasonably close causal relation" to a change in the physical environment. 在大都市爱迪生有限公司一案中,如果影响与自然环境的改变有着“合理的直接因果关系”,那么这种影响可被看作是环境方面的影响。