- causality of solo crime 单独犯因果关系
- I had met the challenges of solo travel in an extreme climate. 我已经挺身面对了极限气候下单独旅行的挑战。
- A baroque concerto for orchestra and a group of solo instruments. 供管弦乐队和一组独奏乐器演奏的一种复杂的协奏曲。
- I had met the challenge of solo travel in an extreme climate. 我面临在极限气候下单枪匹马旅行的挑战。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- The result shows that the energy consumption flexibility in each industry is different and GDP is the Granger causality of energy consumption. 结果表明,三次产业的能源消费弹性是不同的,GDP是能源消费的格兰杰因果关系。
- Each flavor of net math incorporates the lateral causality of thousands of simultaneous interacting functions. 每种网数学都融合了许多同时交互作用的横向因果关系。
- According to the basic causality of power plant feedwater process, one causality chain is elicited. 按照火电厂锅炉给水加药过程的主要因果关系,抽象出一条因果链。
- A form of solo dancing that involves rapid acrobatic moves in which different parts of the body touch the ground. 一种单独的舞蹈它包括身体不同部分进行的快速的特技。
- The criminal disposed of the witness to the crime. 罪犯将他犯罪的目击者杀死了。
- I looked at the people staring at me. Next thing I knew, I was staring at the ceiling. End of solo career. 就看着台下的人都盯着我看,接下去我就盯着天花板看了。独唱生涯由此结束。
- He was innocent of the crime imputed to him. 对于所加在他身上的罪,他是无辜的。
- One of Solo's most harrowing run-ins involved the hunter and black marketeer Czethros, and his Rybet henchmen Briff. 索罗最痛心的一次遭遇是与一个赏金猎人、黑市商人切瑟罗斯及其利贝特族同伙布里夫发生的。
- At that time, su Xiaoming is actor of solo of sea politics song and dance ensemble, person " army in lark " . 当时,苏小明是海政文工团独唱演员,人称“军中百灵鸟”。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- The paper reveals the causality of a major oil ship exploding accident by actual report. It mentions the safety management and makes suggestions of inland river oil docks. 以纪实的手法揭示出一起重大油船爆炸事故的因果关系。提出内河油码头安全管理措施和建议。
- This methodical approach to learning the art of solo jazz piano improvisation will free your creative sense of music. 这套有条不紊的学习爵士钢琴独奏即兴演奏艺术的学习法可以激发你对音乐的创造力。
- His breach of prison adds to his crime. 他的越狱使他罪上加罪。
- In the qualitative analysis, the causality of the nodes (the factors in the HRA) and the weak points need to be improved will be shown directly through hierarchical graph. 在定性分析上,节点的因果关系(HRA中的因子关系)及需要改进的薄弱节点都直观地显示在层次图中;
- This is Fossett's sixth attempt of solo circumnavigation of the globe by means of a hot air balloon. 这是福斯特第六次借助热气球进行单人环球飞行的偿试。