- The strings are a category of musical instruments. 弦乐器是乐器的一种。
- He has all manner of model planes. 他有各式各样的模型飞机。
- Are we facing a new category of Plato's cave? 我们正面临一种新的柏拉图所说的洞穴范畴吗?
- Botany falls into the category of biology. 植物学归入生物学部门。
- Lexical cohesion is the main category of cohesion. 摘要词汇衔接是衔接的主要部分。
- He holds the title of model hunter for the number of wolves he has killed. 由于他打死了不少狼,他享有模范猎手的称号。
- What is the category of this tournament? 这个联赛是什么级别?
- Defines the Unicode category of a character. 类型公开了以下成员。
- Tap "Phone" under the category of "Communic ation". 点选"通讯"类内的"电话".
- It didn't belong in the category of murder. 这不属于谋杀的范畴。
- Multiclass feats are a special category of feats. 兼职专长是一类特殊的专长。
- What type of model are you interested in ? 您喜欢哪种车型的车?
- Yes, I want to buy a computer of Model LX P590. 我想买一台lx590型的计算机。
- Study of model well test for acoustic log. 声波测井模型井实验研究。
- Assault falls under the category of crime against the person. 强奸归入侵犯人身罪一类。
- Children have more need of model than critic. 责儿不济事,榜样有力量。
- The newspaper report falls within the category of defamation. 报纸的报导属诽谤性的文章。
- Test of Model JH axial flow stirring paddle. JH型轴流式搅拌桨的试验研究
- Gets or sets the category of types to use for parameters. 获取或设置要用作参数的类型的类别。
- What kind of model do you have in mind? 你想租用什么类型的车呢?