- The police played a cat and mouse game with the robbers. 警察和劫匪玩了场欲擒故纵的把戏。
- Using VC to write a small game procedures. Cat and mouse game. 用VC写的一个小游戏的程序。猫捉老鼠的游戏。
- The guerillas played a cat and mouse game with the much better-equipped army. 猫鼠游戏,欲擒故纵。
- The employers and the unions played a cat and mouse game over the proposed pay increases. 资方和工会对所提议的增加工资问题搞猫戏老鼠的把戏。
- Anyway, all these just cat and mouse game, soon jailbreak dev team will find a way to break it. 当然,这些不过是猫抓老鼠的游戏,很快越狱开发小组会找到破解的方法。
- US border agents play high-tech cat and mouse game 美国边防人员玩起了高科技的猫和老鼠游戏
- Phil's aunt had fun playing cat and mouse with him. 菲尔姨妈假装把他放开,然后再抓住和他嬉戏。
- Play cat and mouse with someone. 和某人逗着玩。
- The police played cat and mouse with the gang. 警察对匪帮欲擒故纵。(非“玩猫和老鼠”)
- TOKYO - Cat and mouse may never be the same. 在东京猫和老鼠从来就不会相同的。
- I can't tolerate all the suspicion and I wish the police would stop playing cat and mouse and make a specific charge against me. 我不能容忍所有这些怀疑,我希望警方不要戏弄我,具体说清对我的指控。
- In 1939 they came up with battling cat and mouse Tom and Jerry. 1939年他们创造出了争斗不休的猫和老鼠:汤姆和杰瑞。
- The police have played cat and mouse with the murderer. 警察对凶犯采用的是欲擒故纵的策略。
- No signal transmitted from the cat and mouse station was detected. 没有发现从“猫鼠站”电台发出的信号。
- Coy girls often like to play cat and mouse with Boys. 害羞的女孩时常令男孩子捉摸不定。
- The internet also prolongs the initial game of cat and mouse that plays out in the press on sensitive stories. 网络传播令媒体加深了对邓玉娇案的报道,这让政府跟媒体玩起了猫鼠游戏。
- The world’s most famous cat and mouse duo returns to mobile in a fun pinball adventure game. 世界上最有名的一对猫和老鼠来到了手机上一个有趣的弹球冒险游戏里。
- Cats and mouses are often antagonistic. 猫和老鼠是敌对的。
- All along the movie, we wonder how will end this game of cat and mouse between Marceau an Attal, both perfect. 随着影片的发展,我们想知道在苏菲-玛索和伊万-阿达勒之间发生的这场猫捉老鼠的游戏该如何收场。
- The Olympic torch round looked like a game of cat and mouse, less like a celebration of the Olympic spirit. 美联社描述火炬传递看似一场猫捉老鼠的游戏,倒不是宣传奥林匹克精神的盛会。