- casual labour office 临时就业服务所
- He earned a living by casual labour. 他靠打短工度日。
- He earns a living by casual labour. 他靠做临时工为生。
- When he got home, the city labour office declined to help him find a job. 他回到家后,城市劳动部门拒绝帮助他找个工作。
- Source: International Labour Office Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2003. 资料来源:国际劳工组织《劳工统计年鉴》2003。
- The unions also criticised the increasingly systematic use of subcontracting firms and casual labour, making it all the more difficult to organise the workforce. 工会也批评,越来越多公司利用承揽、发包和临时工,使其筹办工作变得更加困难。
- They signed on a large number of casual labourers last week. 他们在上星期招了好些临时工。
- Jim is a casual labourer,he can't find a proper job anywhere. 吉姆是个临时工,他到处找不到正式工作。
- The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated tothe Director-General of th e International Labour office for registration. 本公约的正式批准书应送请国际劳工局局长登记。
- Jim is a casual labourer, he can't find a proper job anywhere. 吉姆是个临时工,他到处找不到正式工作。
- The Director-General of the International Labour Office, Mr Juan Somavia, delivering his speech at the 90th International Labour Conference. 国际劳工局局长胡安·索马维亚在第90届国际劳工大会上致辞。
- The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. 对本公约的正式批准书应送请国际劳工局局长登记。
- Peter Stalker,The Work of Strangers:A Survey of International Labour Migration.Geneva:International Labour Office,1994.p.20. 柏林墙1961年始建;1964年建成;从此西德和其他西欧国家几乎完全无法从东德和其他东欧国家及苏联获得劳动力.
- Siltanen, J., J.Jarman and R.M.Blackburn (1995), Gender Inequality in the Labour Market, Occupational Concentration and Segregation.Geneva: International Labour Office. 事实上;中国职业性别隔离现象的研究;更多集中在对妇女地位或状况的研究(赵瑞美、王乾亮;2000).
- International strategies intended to reduce poverty completely ignored the need to develop skills, according to Trevor Riordan, of the International Labour Office (ILO). 国际方案倾向于改善贫穷,完全忽略发展技能的需要。
- earn one's living by casual labour 靠做短工为生
- The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal famale casual labours worried everyone. 有几个外来女临时工失踪了,令人费解,使大家十分担忧。
- He had to leave then,to resume his casual labourer in small factory in the neighboring country. 几天后,他又离开了家乡,还是到邻县那家小工厂做临时工。
- A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after theexpiration of ten years f rom the date on which the Convention first comesinto force, by an act communicated to the Director -General of theInternational Labour Office for registration. 凡批准本公约的会员国,自本公约初次生效之日起满10年后,得向国际劳工局局长通知解约,并请其登记。
- The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of the International Labour Organization of the registration of all ratifications, acceptances and denunciations under this Convention. 国际劳工局局长应将各成员国就本公约所交存的所有批准书、接受书和退出书的登记情况通报国际劳工组织的全体成员国。