- She improved in health stage by stage. 她的健康状况逐渐好转。
- This illumination is gradual; it is developed stage by stage. 此觉照渐次而生,他是逐步而有所发展。
- The police are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage. 警方正逐步摸清那次事件的经过。
- The priciple test technology in site of ultrasonic transmission method for detecting integrity of large-diameter cast in place piles are introduced. 介绍了超声波透射法检测大直径灌注桩桩身完整性的原理、方法和现场检测技术。
- This paper introduces the cast in place cantilever construction technology used in uncontinous box beam of the Hanchuan Hanjiang River Bridge. 介绍汉川汉江公路大桥非连续段箱梁的悬臂现浇施工技术,可供有关工程技术人员参考。
- To treat the uneven settlement of ground by using cast in place pile underpinning is a practical and effective technique. 采用灌注桩托换技术处理地基的不均匀沉降是一种实用有效的方法。
- Pour out moderately, can force of out of control as the language pour out to be changed stage by stage go out. 适度倾诉,可以将失控力随着语言的倾诉逐步转化出去。
- Hinges shall be stainless steel with tamperproof stainless steel bolts and nuts, and shall be removable for maintenance after the access door is cast in place. 铰链应该采用不锈钢,并配置防干扰不锈钢螺栓和螺母,在检修门现场浇铸时能够在维修时进行拆卸。
- "If the market bear pressure, we think to be rolled out stage by stage new it is OK to issue foreknow. “如果市场承压,我们认为逐步推出新股发行应该可以预见。”
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。
- Cause microclimate of area under administration to be improved stage by stage, social zoology benefit is very distinct. 致使辖区小气候逐步改善,社会生态效益十分显著。
- New built sauce factory should adopt method of carryingout stage by stage to get production scale. 新建酱油厂应根据市场需要采用分步进行的方法达到生产规模。
- Relapse for many times, make its suit stage by stage finally, in order to eliminate. 反复多次,最终使其逐步适应,以消除。
- Nowadays, slop roof consists of steel column and beam or steel truss and purling, and connected with existed building by concrete beam cast in place, is being used commonly in this project. 目前,在全国各地的“平改坡”项目中,普遍采用轻钢结构坡屋顶,由钢柱、钢梁或钢桁架及钢檩条构成,通过浇筑混凝土卧梁将新增轻钢坡屋顶与原有混凝土结构连接。
- The influence that recombines pair of IDC industries will be the releases stage by stage process with a longer need. 重组对IDC产业的影响将会是一个需要较长时间的逐步释放的过程。
- As undesirable acknowledge correctional, the patient's psychogenic disorder also improves stage by stage. 随着不良认知的矫正,病人的心理障碍亦逐步好转。
- I like to have everything in place. 我喜欢把一切东西都在适当的位置。
- Arrive since thenceforth now 20 years, chinese economy is cast off close the country to international communication manacle, marched toward stage by stage open model economy. 从那时起到现在20年间,中国经济摆脱闭关自守的束缚,逐步迈向了开放型经济。
- By this means the meddlesome woman cast in a bone between the wife and the husband. 这爱管闲事的女人就用这种手段挑起他们夫妻这间的不和。
- As 1992 of grain market open, commissariat gets resumptive stage by stage as the true colors of commodity. 随着1992年粮食市场的开放,粮食作为商品的本来面目逐步得到恢复。