- Poor John was exposed to the wind and rain. 可怜的约翰处于风雨交加之中。
- The wind has veered round to the north recently. 近日风向已转北了。
- As things stood then, his whole plan had to be cast to the winds. 当时情况就是那样, 他的计划只好付诸东流。
- The wind veered (round to the) north. 近日风向已转北了。
- The wind veered round to the north. 风改向北吹了。
- With a cup of China's famous wine, all vexation is cast to the winds. 一杯中国名酒在手,百般烦恼全无。
- Whose mercy do they cast to the merciless? 其摆布,他们投下的无情?
- The wind was so strong that we ran to the lee of the house. 风太大了,所以我们跑到屋子的背风处。
- He was the priest who beholds all his sacred wafers cast to the winds, the fakir who beholds a passer-by spit upon his idol. 他好象是个望着别人把圣饼满地乱扔的神甫,是个看见过路人在他偶像身上吐唾沫的僧人。
- He never actually tells lies, but he often sails pretty close to the wind. 他实际上从不撒谎,但说的话常迹近撒谎。
- The wind chopped round to the west. 风向突然转西。
- The sailboats careened to the wind. 帆船因风倾斜。
- The machine is exposed to the wind and rain . 这台机器经受风吹雨打。
- The wind slowly veered around to the west. 风向慢慢转西了。
- The only thing to do is to throw caution to the winds. 唯一可做的事情就是不顾一切豁出去。
- Her skin was dry after exposure to the wind. 经过风吹后她的皮肤很干。
- God tempers the wind to the shorn lamp. 上天眷顾弱者。
- If the wind will not serve, take to the oars. 没有风就取桨!
- Heaven tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. 老天保护弱者。
- One sign of severe iron overload is a gray-brown cast to the skin. 严重的铁过多症状之一是皮肤出现浅棕色。