- cast her gorge atvt. 见到就作呕(厌弃;唾弃)
- She cast the gorge at the sight. 她一看到那情景就恶心。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- She has cast her old friends aside. 她把老朋友都撇在一边。
- Vera cast her mind back to her wedding day. 维拉回想起她婚礼日的情景。
- The level gorge at Clear Springs attracts many campers. 清泉平坦的溪谷石滩,吸引了许多人来此露营野炊。
- The director cast her in a leading part when she was a young unknown of 16. 当她还是一个十六岁的无名少女时,导演选中她演主角。
- The moon cast her mellow light on the lake. 柔和的月光射在湖面上。
- The angler cast her line into the stream. 那个垂钓者把鱼线掷进了小溪里。
- Life had cast her in the role of a winner. 生活让她扮演了一个胜利者的角色。
- heave her gorge atvt. 见到就作呕(厌弃;唾弃)
- She cast her request in very polite language. 她礼貌地表达了她的要求。
- She cast her thoughts back to earlier times. 她回想以往的岁月。
- She cast her vote against the new tax. 她投票反对新税。
- The little girl cast her eyes down in shame. 那个小女孩害羞地垂下目光。
- Fee cast her no more than a passing glance before leaving. 菲在离开时仅给了她匆匆一瞥。
- He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie. 他选定她在他最近的一部影片里扮演一位雄心勃勃的律师。
- The press were quick to cast her in the role of 'the other woman'. 新闻界很快把她公开描述成“第三者”的角色。
- She cast her eyes over the paper, pondered, and caught the meaning. 她把眼光盯在那张纸上,思考着,领会着它的含义。
- She cast her eyes over the paper, pondered, caught the meaning. 她看了一下那份文件,思考着,领会着其间的含义。