- cast a newlight on sth.adj. 使人对某物得到新的认识
- cast a newlight onvt. 使人对某物得到新的认识
- The fire cast a warm glow on the walls. 炉火映在墙上呈现一片融融红光。
- The accident cast a blight on our happiness. 那场意外事故使我们的幸福生活蒙上了一层阴影。
- Cast a false colour on sth. 歪曲某事真相
- The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl. 狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施发妖术。
- He cast a furtive glance at her. 他偷偷瞥了她一眼。
- The candle cast a dim light on the table. 蜡烛在桌上投下黯淡的光。
- The candle cast a warm glow on the table. 蜡烛在桌上投射下温暖柔和的光。
- The fire cast a ruddy glow over the city. 这场火把城市上空映得一片通红。
- Mary's absence cast a damper over the party. 玛丽缺席使晚会为之扫兴。
- The tragedy cast a shadow over their lives. 这一悲剧在他们的生命中投下了一片阴影。
- The candle cast a warm glow on the table . 蜡烛在桌上投射下温暖柔和的光。
- What do you think about the movie? Decide on sth. 你认为这部电影怎么样?
- He cast a sideways glance at me. 他斜视我一眼。
- Relax one's grip,hold,grasp(on sth. 放松(对某物的)掌握.
- I just cast a glance at the headlines. 我只是看了看标题。
- Put the worst construction on sth. 往最好[最坏]的方面去解释
- The bad news cast a chill over us all. 这坏消息使我们大家都感到沮丧。
- The moonlight cast a glamour over the scene. 月光给景色增添了魅力。