- Chapter 5 discusses the application of GAs in Case Based Reasoning. 第五章讨论了遗传算法在范例推理中的应用。
- The article introduces a computer system of radiotheraphy case based on PACS. 本文介绍了一种基于PACS的放射治疗病历计算机生成系统。
- All topics will also be discussed in case based discussions and expert reading sessions during the symposium. 所有报告所涉及的不同临床应用领域会在专家读片部分和具体病例部分展开讨论。
- Case based reasoning (CBR) is machine study method used to solve to client service sub-system in CRM. 基于事例知识推理方法(Case based reasoning,CBR)是解决CRM中客户支持和服务子系统的问题的重要方法。
- Case based reasoning(CBR) is an important reasoning technique in the AI Application. 案例推理 C B R( Case Based Reasoning) 是人工智能应用中的一种重要推理技术。
- In CBR (Case Based Reasoning) systems, the representation, organization and management of case are all key techniques. 在CBR(Case Based Reasoning)系统中,事例的表示、组织和管理是其中的关键。
- In the concept design, the CBD (Case based d esign) or Model-based design method can be used. 在方案设计阶段 ,可采用基于实例的设计方法或基于模型的设计方法 ,实例的设计方法将利用大量方案设计实例库支持主参数的设计 ,基于模型的方案设计是利用长期总结出来的设计流程、设计模型设计的。
- Late application may be considered on case by case basis. 逾期之申请将视乎个别情况考虑。
- Injection mould case based reasoning (CBR) system is used to guide the decision making by historical experiences. 注塑模 CBR(基于事例的推理 )系统是借助于历史经验来指导设计决策的。
- You seized on that failure and obtained a dismissal of the case based on a technicality. 您抓住了这一疏忽,并基于技术性细节得以争取撤销该案。
- The function model of the case based manufacturing system reconfiguration system is put forward. 最后给出了一个基于事例的制造系统重构原型系统的功能结构。
- The policemen realized the danger, and urgency of this case based on their direct experience. 警务人员凭直接经验得知案情的危险和紧迫。
- And when collisions occur, a judge or arbitrator decides each case based on property rights, and property rights only. 当发生冲突时,法官或者仲裁依据财产权、并且仅依据财产权审判案件。
- Our Tool automatically executes the test case based on the XML file, and AGENDA validate the new database state andsystem output. 本文实现了基于XML文件的自动测试工具,利用这个工具及XML文件,自动在B/S结构的AGENDA系统中执行测试任务。 AGENDA系统在执行的同时,检测新的数据库状态和系统输出的有效性。
- Then it also introduces some basic techniques of CBR such as case representation, case retrieval, case revisal, case base maintenance. 接着介绍了范例推理的基本技术,即范例表示、范例检索、CBR修正、CBR维护等。
- The university judicial committee decides punishment on a case by case basis. 大学的司法委员会根据事实基础决定对事情的惩罚。
- Using the Case based reasoning technology during the course of design, people can use experiences to solve current questions. 在设计时能运用基于实例的推理方法,从以往的设计实例中得出与现在问题最相似的实例,用以往的设计经验来解决现存问题。
- A numerical case based on conventional Baleriaux-Booth algorithm is given to illustrate the application value of the model. 在给出的具体算例中采用传统Baleriaux鄄Booth卷积、反卷积算法进行求解,算例表明该算法具有一定的应用价值。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- Combining the knowledge representation, the article put forward to a data construction organization form of case base. 第三章对模糊事例的表示进行了研究,提出了一种面向对象的知识表示方法,并结合所提出的事例的表示方法,从理论上提出了一种事例库的数据结构组织形式;