- carved wooden cabinet 木雕橱
- In idle moments, he carved wooden figures. 他空闲时就刻木雕。
- carved wooden beer cabinet in golden lacquer 金漆木雕啤酒橱
- Called the Turk, von Kempelen’s automaton consisted of a small wooden cabinet, a chessboard, and the torso of a turbaned mannequin. 这台被称为Turk的von Kempelen的机器人,由一个木盒子,一块棋版,以及一个假人的部分驱赶所组成。
- Professionals said that these beautiful patterns carved wooden printing pictures is the old version of the painting. 专业人员介绍说,这些雕着美丽图案的木板是旧时印刷年画的画版。
- If does not want to put wooden cabinet, can put a lofty and shock evergreen in pointed horn, the influence with pointed geomantic to the sitting room horn of pare of this Yi Ke. 倘若不想摆放木柜,则可把一盆高大而浓密的常绿植物摆放在尖角位,这亦可消减尖角对客厅风水的影响。
- My company is a professional manufacturer of wooden Products like wooden photo frame,picture frame, wooden cabinet,wooden easels, wooden chiavari chair&wooden furniture etc. 广州市双纬化工有限公司自一九八七年开始从事工业地坪漆的研发,是集研发、生产、销售及施工于一体的专业公司。本公司采用进口设备及原材料;
- This wooden cabinet protrudes outdoors, indoors it is a push/draw sash, and outdoors it's a wooden grid that allows good ventilation, leftover dishes stored in it deteriorates slowly. 实际上是一个柜子,向室外突出,里面是推拉隔扇,外面是木格子,不密闭。用来放没吃完的剩菜,通风不易坏。
- Built in coral stone and mangrove timber, the town is characterized by the simplicity of structural forms enriched by such features as inner courtyards, verandas, and elaborately carved wooden doors. 这个镇用珊瑚石和红树林木材建造而成,以简朴的结构为特色,同时,庭院、台走廊、心雕刻的木门为其增添了很多特有风貌。
- Tibetan carved wooden furniture and carved beams楼窗rich in content and wide range of subjects, characters, flowers, insects, fish, birds and patterns, patterns and so on, all-encompassing. 藏式木雕家具和楼窗梁柱雕刻的内容丰富,题材广泛,人物、花卉、虫鱼、鸟兽图案、花纹等等,无所不包。
- Tingge in front of two red pins on the carved wooden dragon overhang is very spectacular,堪称wood carving art boutique. 亭阁前方两根红色木柱上倒悬的木雕巨龙甚是壮观,堪称木雕艺术的精品。
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- the elaborate decoration on the carved wooden door 木雕门上精美的装饰图案
- carved wooden low table in golden lacquer 金漆木雕炕几
- carved wooden screen in golden lacquer 金漆木雕屏风
- carved wooden stool in golden lacquer 金漆木雕凳
- carved wooden table in golden lacquer 金漆木雕桌
- Others specialize in carving wooden chains or a "ball in cage" from one piece of wood. 另一些人擅长把一块木头刻成木链或“笼中球”。
- carved wooden wall hanging in golden lacquer 金漆木雕挂屏
- They have found out the mole in the cabinet. 他们已经发现了内阁中的间谍。