- The territory was carved up by the occupying powers. 领土被侵占者瓜分。
- She carved up the meat and gave each of us a piece. 她把肉切成块,分给我们每人一块。
- The thieves carved up the jewels from the robbery. 盗贼们分赃了所抢得珠宝。
- I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche. 一个开保时捷的疯子超车抢了我的道。
- They carved up the profit on the transaction. 他们从这笔交易中分享利润。
- Europe was carved up after World War I. 第一次世界大战后, 欧洲被瓜分了。
- The thieves carved up the profit from the robbery. 小偷分了抢劫的钱财。
- They ruthlessly carved up Poland. 他们无情地瓜分了波兰。
- Pearl carved up the roast beef and gave us each a portion. 珀尔切开烤牛肉,给我们每人一份。
- The land was carved up and redistributed by the victors. 这块土地被切成小块,由胜利者们重新分配。
- The dark days when the imperialists could carve up Africa at will are gone. 帝国主义者任意瓜分非洲的黑暗时代已经一去不复返了。
- Do consumers stand a chance in a market carved up by two corporate superpowers? 两大超级巨人霸占了整个市场,消费者能够从中得利吗?
- The victors pitilessly carved up the defeated country,each taking an equal share. 各战胜国把这战败国毫不留情地瓜分掉,每一国家分得的部分相等。
- Feuding Imperial warlords carved up territory and materiel in their bids to become the next Emperor. 在帝国军阀割据领地、争夺皇位的斗争中。
- The victors pitilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share. 各战胜国把这战败国毫不留情地瓜分掉,每一国家分得的部分相等。
- At the end of World War I, Austria-Hungary was carved up and Czechoslovakia emerged for the first time in 1918. 奥匈帝国于第一次世界大战结束后瓦解,捷克斯洛伐克首度在一九一八年建国。
- The victors mercilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share. 战胜国无情地瓜分了战败国。
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- Dadalways carves up the turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner. 父亲总是将火鸡切成块作为感恩节大餐。
- Dad always carves up the turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner. 父亲总是将火鸡切成块作为感恩节大餐。