- We shall expand political democracy and carry out economic reform. 政治上发展民主,经济上实行改革。
- There were two major domestic ones: to expand political democracy and to carry out economic reform and corresponding social reforms. 就国内政策而言,最重大的有两条,一条是政治上发展民主,一条是经济上进行改革,同时相应地进行社会其他领域的改革。
- carry out economic reform 进行经济改革
- Without political reform,economic reform cannot succeed,because the first obstacle to be overcome is people's resistance. It is human beings who will or will not carry out the reform. 只搞经济体制改革,不搞政治体制改革,经济体制改革也搞不通,因为首先遇到人的障碍。
- Chairman Mao wondered if we could carry out economic development within a period shorter than twenty-odd years and avoid making major mistakes and suffering serious setbacks. 毛主席说,现在我们搞经济建设,是不是可以不要花二十几年的时间而花更短一点的时间学会,并且不犯大错误,不栽大跟头。
- This article has discussed how to carry out economic benefits auditing from the aspects of the principle,content,procedure,and methods of economic benefits auditing. 本文从医院经济效益审计的原则、内容、程序和方法等几方面就医院如何开展经济效益审计进行初步的探讨。
- As the core idea of economic law, harmony and development are beneficial to advocate economic democracy, carry out economic constitutionalism.At the same time, ... 和谐与发展作为经济法的核心理念,有利于提倡经济民主,推行经济宪政,同时也提示了经济法与民法和行政法的质的差异。
- These amendments and economic reform have been coherently carried out for over 20 years. 这些改变与经济改革已于20年前同步开始。
- Wudi of the Han Dynasty carries out a large-scale economic reform and promulgates a sires of "new policies". 摘要汉武帝进行大规模经济改革,制定一系列“新政”。
- South Korea intends to cash in on the ambitious economic reform that is being carried out in the three north eastern provinces of China. 中国的东北三省正在展开雄心勃勃的经济改革,韩国也打算乘此机会投资获利。
- In order to help minority nationalities develop their economies, the state has carried out economic construction on a large scale in minority areas. 为了帮助少数民族的经济发展,国家在少数民族地区进行了大规模的经济建设。
- The mechanism is able to inspirit the generation companies to bid the true cost effectively and carry out economical operat... 从而保证充裕的发电容量,维持可靠的电力供应。
- If any comrade entertains the idea of carrying out economic construction apart from the war,he should correct this mistake at once. 如果同志们中间有离开战争进行经济建设的想法,那就应立刻改正。
- In order to help minority nationalities develop their economies,the state has carried out economic construction on a large scale in minority areas. 为了帮助少数民族的经济发展,国家在少数民族地区进行了大规模的经济建设。
- Market orientation is the direction for China's economic reform, and economic regulation by the government aims at offsetting market failure instead of carrying out planned economy. 摘要市场取向是中国经济改革的方向,政府对经济实施调控是为弥补市场失灵而不是搞计划经济;
- If any comrade entertains the idea of carrying out economic construction apart from the war, he should correct this mistake at once. 如果同志们中间有离开战争进行经济建设的想法,那就应立刻改正。
- Foreign companies are carrying out economic activities of the Plenipotentiary, is the company's internal organization, management, the lead agency. 对外是公司进行经济活动的全权代表,对内是公司的组织、管理的领导机构。
- The police will carry out a dawn raid. 警方将在拂晓展开突然搜查。
- She carry out all her pledge to the letter. 她不折不扣地履行了她的所有诺言。
- He balked me to carry out my plan. 他阻止我实施我的计划。