- All of the barbarous conquerors have been apt to carry matters with a high hand. 所有的野蛮征服者总是爱用高压手段。
- The Arand dragon acts Emperor Caesar who in this piece carries matters with a high hand, German Pattee then approximately acts “the gaul hero” good friend Austria compared to Lueck Si. 阿兰德龙在本片中扮演专横跋扈的凯撒大帝,德帕蒂约则扮演“高卢英雄”的好友奥比利克斯。
- carry matters with a high hand 采取高压手段
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- His garden was enclosed with a high wall. 他的花园四周筑有高高的围墙。
- My bedroom is a large room with a high ceiling. 我的卧室是一个天花板很高的大房间。
- This is a dress with a high waistline. 这条裙子腰身部分很高。
- Her illness started with a high fever. 她的病开始时是发高烧。
- The medieval town is fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市用高墙深沟来加强防御。
- The manager acted with a very high hand in this matter,without even asking for anyone else's opinion. 经理在这件事情上显得独断专行,他甚至没有征求其他任何人意思。
- Mike was thrashing about in bed with a high fever. 迈克发高烧,在床上翻来覆去不安稳。
- He thrashed about in bed with a high fever. 他因为高烧,在床上辗转反侧。
- The garden is enclosed with a high brick wall. 那座花园为一道高砖墙所围住。
- The house is enclosed with a high brick wall. 这座房子四周围着一道很高的砖墙。
- Patients with a high pouch have a poorer result. 高位闭锁患者结果更糟。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall. 这座中世纪的城市用高墙来加强防御。
- What's the matter with you, walking along with a long face? 你怎么啦,拉长了脸四处走。
- We need someone with a high level of arithmetic. 我们需要一个精通算术的人。
- What's the matter with you, walking around with a long face? 你怎么啦,板着脸孔到处跑。
- He has a round face with a high forehead. 他圆脸、高额头。