- Carried to extremes, existentialism is a companion of anarchy. 说得极端存在主义是一种同伴无政府状态。
- C.N.Y. thinkers became neoconservatives, the danger of good intentions carried to extremes was a theme that would underlie the life work of many members of this group. 虽不是所有来自纽约城市学院的思想者都加入了新保守派,良好意愿演变成极端思想的危险却贯穿该群体大多数成员毕生工作始终。
- A development of Baroque, it will be found a congruous decoration for baroque churches. Inrench masters, or is carried to extremes with the consistency of the German. 巴落克式样,它的发展被发现适合装饰成为巴洛克式的教会。总之,它产生浩大的变化,在于样式被法国大师使用以缓和,更加美好和更加巧妙的形式,或极端承继以德国人的一贯性。
- In general it makes a vast difference eether the style is used with moderation in the finer nnd more ingenious form of the French masters, or is carried to extremes with the consistency of the German. 总之,它产生浩大的变化,在于样式被法国大师使用以缓和,更加美好和更加巧妙的形式,或极端承继以德国人的一贯性。
- In general it makes a vast difference whether the style isjsed with moderation in the finer and more ingenious form of the French masters, or is carried to extremes with the consistency of the German. 总之,它产生浩大的变化,在于样式被法国大师使用以缓和,更加美好和更加巧妙的形式,或极端承继以德国人的一贯性。
- In gl neral it makes a vast difference whether the style is used with moderation in the finer and more ingenious form of the French masters, or is carried to extremes with the consistency ofhe German. 总之,它产生浩大的变化,在于样式被法国大师使用以缓和,更加美好和更加巧妙的形式,或极端承继以德国人的一贯性。
- Resorted to extremes in the emergency. 在紧急状态下诉诸非常手段
- In the jungle, they were driven to extremes in order to survive. 在丛林中,他们为了生存被迫采取极端行动。
- The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines. 石油通过输油管输送到炼油厂。
- His political ideas went to extremes. 他的政治思想走了极端。
- One Buddhist nun has taken meditating to extremes . 一位尼姑将冥想发挥到极致。
- He carries modesty to extremes, ie is too modest. 他谦虚得过分.
- Try not to go to extremes over hobbies. 尽量不要在嗜好上面走极端。
- The wheat has been carried to the threshing ground. 小麦已经登场。
- Young women often go to extremes to lose weight. 年轻女性常常减肥而走了极端。
- The shot carried to the next hill. 射程可达下一个山头。
- He carries modesty to extremes,ie is too modest. 他谦虚得过分.
- The hostages were subjected to extreme brutality. 那些人质遭受惨无人道的对待。
- His hospitality was carried to an extreme. 他好客得过分了。
- They often go to extremes in their views. 他们在看法上经常走极端。