- Occupation career plans education 职业生涯规划教育
- Probe into unfolding occupational career planning education for college nursing students 开展护理专业大学生职业生涯规划教育的探讨
- career planning education 职业生涯规划教育
- Your 9 most important career planning tips. 为您提供9条最为重要的职业计划指南。
- On Line Planning Education?? Boon or Burden? 在线规划教育:是好处还是负担?
- You should build job rotation into your career planning. 员工应使工作轮换成为其职业规划的一部分。
- Good career planning can lead to a satisfying career. 良好的职业规划可以使你有一个满意的职业。
- Career Planning: To manage career planning programs, supplies secondments, rotational assignments, projects and Company sponsored education in an efficient and systematic way. 职业发展计划:管理职业发展计划项目,以系统有效的方式提供借调、轮换、项目参与、公司教育资助等机会。
- A What about you? What are your career plans? A你呢?你的事业计划是什么?
- Now Ramos has confirmed his long-term career plan includes a move abroad. 现在拉莫斯承认他的长期职业规划包括去国外发展。
- Vocational schools should transform the professional guidance to professional career planning through strengthening professional view education,propagandizing enterprising spirit,rectifyi... 职业学校应通过职业观教育、宣传创业精神、矫正学生的就业理念,以及充分利用现代网络,将职业指导转变成对学生进行职业生涯规划。
- Career planning is an oxymoron. The most exciting opportunities tend to be unplanned. 练剑的最高境界是,手中无剑,心中有剑,是不是这么说的?
- Staffers and supervisors who want to be familiar with basic skills of career planning. 希望掌握职业生涯规划基本技能的企业职员和主管。
- Klaus R.Kunzmann has been responsible for numerous research projects on innovative urban and regional development, on regional restructuring and on planning education. 他主要从事新型城市、区域规划、区域重建及规划教育方面的工作。
- A: the conference on career planning is only a month away, but there are still a few things that our organizing committee needs to work out. 职场规划的会议还有一个月要开了啊。但是。我们组织委员会仍然有多东西要准备。
- Individual development plan career plan is like your road map. It guides you along the way. 您个人的职业进程规划就如您人生的指示图,从中引导您的去向。
- Clinical psychologists and career advisors will station at the venue to discuss one-on-one with students and give career planning advice. 临床心理学家和职业顾问会在展览场地,与学生进行一对一的面谈及提供职业筹划的意见。
- What is your career plan? Three years after graduation, and five years after graduation? 翻译:你的工作计划是什么.;三年工作计划;五年的工作计划
- The intern teacher in the middle and higher grade of the elementary school has the disturber in practice in the item of teaching and career planning. 六、都市实习的国小实习教师,在角色认同、个人发展层面上,实习困扰较高。
- The intern teacher in the city elementary school has the disturber in practice in the item of role identification and career planning. 四、大学部国小实习教师,在班级管理、教学实施、工作负担、个人发展层面上困扰程度较高。