- career development counseling 职业生涯发展咨询
- Advising, counseling and career development can help students find the major that best suits them and help map out a course to earn a degree. 学校为学生提供了谘商服务和生涯规划,以便学生找到自己的专长去选择自己所适合的课程。
- How do you see your career development? 你如何看待你的事业发展呢?
- In addition, each trainee will be assigned a senior manager as a mentor, who will provide the trainee with guidance and counsel on his/her career development. 该计划的目标是为见习员成为成功的管理人员提供坚实的基础。
- And,it's important that the company provide career development. 另外,公司能否提供事业发展的前景也很重要。
- Training and support for personal career development. 良好的培训支持与个人发展计划。
- Abilities to inspire and train, and staff career development. 具有激励、培训及规划员工职业发展的能力;
- "Career Development is your own responsibility, not employer". "职业进程是您的责任而不是您的雇主的责任"。
- Is certification part of your career development plan? 证书是你职业发展规划的一部分吗?
- Human Resource HR personnel: Where does career development come from? 人力资源HR人员:职业发展从何来?
- If you have time can communicate with me anytime for the career development! 有时间可以多交流关于职业发展的问题。
- Career development at Churchman Business School is composed of multiple stages. 职业发展由五个阶段组成。
- Third, we must continue to emancipate the mind, promoting career development. 三要继续解放思想,促进事业发展。
- How would you like to see your career develop over the next five years? 您对今后五年事业的发展有何期待?
- As my career developed, I realized how much I LOVED filming. 随着职业的发展,我意识到自己痴爱上了银幕。
- A good manager will accept,even respect the fact that you wish for career development. 一位好经理将会理解,甚至尊重你发展事业的愿望。
- Career development is faced with many predicaments, such as stagnate, discontinue and tiredness of career. 新时期女性职业发展面临着多重困境,主要包括女性职业发展的停滞、业生涯的中断及职业厌倦等三个方面。
- Career Development: Sales Professionals. Proved managerial potentials will lead to a sales management position. 职业发展方向:专业销售人员,表现出管理潜质的也可发展为销售管理人员。
- Career development is just like a car and you are the driver. You decide where you would want to go. 职业进程就如一辆车,您就是那名司机,您决定您的去向。
- His job is to counsel students on how to choose a career. 他的工作是辅导学生就业。