- Students can enjoy and gain access to WSP financial executive recrutment and career counselling services. 凡在WSP就读的学生均可享受WSP提供的专业会计就业咨询及就业机会。
- The price may be an increase in their redundancy package, provision of career counselling, or an agreement to hire them back as consultants. 这个条件也许是提高解雇费用,提供职业咨询或者是许诺聘用他们作咨询师。
- Such as the woman's admission that the sexual relationship hadn't begun until a year after her group counselling sessions ended. 例如证据证明该妇女承认性关系直到她的顾问服务期结束一年以后才开始。
- Psy/ Ya.. I think I will go on with my counseling session with a little solitary mood. 我看我今天就这样孤独的主持咨询节目吧。
- JOHN Well, I heard about these counselling sessions from a friend doing a science course and I was really interested. I think they should be compulsory really. 我从一个上科学课的朋友那听说这个辅导课,我很感兴趣。我想这个课是他们必修的。
- Sat in on family counseling sessions. 参加家庭咨询服务会议,
- "Most of them provide both career counseling and personal counseling," said John J.Parkington, a consultant at the Wyatt Company in San Francisco. 旧金山维阿特顾问公司的一位顾问帕金顿说,“多数这类计划不但提供事业方面的顾问,同时也提供个人方面的顾问。”
- The study was conducted using discovery-oriented qualitative research method.Each counseling session was audiotaped and transcribed into verbatim. 本研究采发现式取向质的研究方法,以个案在会谈录音的逐字稿配合个案的事后访谈资料进行质的分析。
- Conclusion College psychological counselors should pay attention to individual's family environment when they conduct career counseling. 结论高校职业心理咨询应注意考虑家庭环境对个体职业发展的影响。
- Satisfaction questionnaires of the services were provided after every counseling session to acknowledge the dictums related to the CMHS. 就诊民众在每次结束谘商服务时立即填写满意度问卷,以瞭解民众对此服务之意见。
- The results are interpreted and implications are discussed in terms of the evaluating EMBA/MBA programs and the institutionalization of career counseling for both MBAs and EMBAs. 根据研究结果,本研究提出对管理教育及学生职涯谘商辅导的建议。
- An individual counseling session usually lasts 45-minute in every Tuesday and Thursday’s afternoon.Please contact CDO staff first to make reservations for this service. 提供职业咨询服务的时间为周二、周四的下午,每次咨询时长约为45分钟,需要此服务的同学请先与职业发展中心的同事预约时间。
- Influenced by the logical positivist world outlook, quantitative career assessment has prevailed in career counseling since its beginnings in the early 1900s. 自上世纪初逻辑实证主义影响下量的评估就一直在生涯咨询中占主导地位。
- His job is to counsel students on how to choose a career. 他的工作是辅导学生就业。
- At least one church in the City has had a poor take-up for its redundancy counselling sessions, however.An evangelical church has had almost no attendees at its lunchtime workshops on the recession. 至少已经有一家教堂已经在集会里实行失业劝导,但在新教徒教堂午餐时间,几乎没有与会者讨论经济衰退问题。
- Our counseling sessions became smooth and productive. 心理障碍疗程进展顺利,卓有成效。
- It you are still employed but see the writing on the wall, use your company's employee assistance program. "Most of them provide both career counseling and personal counseling," said John J. Parkington, a consultant at the Wyatt Company in San Francisco. 如果你现在仍有工作,可是看不到不祥之兆,你应该利用公司员工协助计划。旧金山维阿特顾问公司的一位顾问帕金顿说,“多数这类计划不但提供事业方面的顾问,同时也提供个人方面的顾问。”
- How to get a jump-start: Get to know established midwives and doulas in your area and ask if you can witness a birth or postpartum counseling session to see if the field's for you. 如何开始工作:必须熟知你圈子内的接生员和助产师,并询问他们你是否可以在旁观看生产过程或参与产后咨询工作,以此来考虑这份工作是否适合你。
- He began his career as an apprentice. 他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯。
- Careers Counselling and Scholarships Committee 职业辅导及奖学金委员会