- A card game in which each player contributes stakes to a pool. 纸牌游戏一种牌戏,每位牌手拿出一些赌注放到一起
- How much are you prepared to put on the card game. 你准备在牌局中出赌多少?
- Bart really cleaned up in the card game. 巴特在纸牌有戏中大获全胜。
- Begins the Spider Solitaire card game. 开始蜘蛛纸牌游戏。
- World of WarCraft Trading Card Game. 一般俗称为魔兽世界卡牌游戏。
- A card game that resembles whist. 纳普牌戏:类似惠斯特的一种牌戏。
- The act of discarding in a card game. 在打牌的游戏中,去。
- I had a flush to win the card game. 我用一手同花顺赢了这把牌。
- The cards held in a card game by a given player at any time. 在牌局中玩牌者所拿的牌
- He was taken to the cleaners in a card game last night. 他昨晚玩纸牌输得精光。
- A card game for two to four players in which cards on the table are matched by cards in the hand. 纸牌戏一种由二至四人玩的纸牌戏,玩时桌子上的牌要和手中的牌相配
- The card game had been going badly for him, so he decided to bring out his big guns. 这局牌已对他不利,所以他决定使出绝招来击败对手。
- A card game played usually with the highest 32 cards, in which each player is dealt 5 cards and the player making the trump is required to take at least 3 tricks to win. 尤克牌一种通常只用最主要的32张牌的牌戏,玩牌者每人发五张牌。以定王牌的一方必须至少赢三墩牌才算赢。
- I went four points in the hole on the first hand of the card game. 我第一手牌就负了4分。
- The shrill ringing of a bell broke up the card game on the cutter. 刺耳的铃声打散了小汽艇的牌局。
- There is a big variety of card game rules around the world. 全世界有许多种不同的扑克牌游戏规则。
- It took them a long time to get out of the hole in the card game. 他们打牌打了好长时间才得分。
- We used to play card games on weekends. 我们以前周末时经常玩牌类游戏。
- Chance plays an important part in many card games. 在许多纸牌游戏中,运气是很重要的。
- A card game in which two cards are chosen from four laid out faceup and a player bets that one of the two will be matched in suit by the dealer before the other one. 蒙特牌戏一种纸牌游戏,从四张牌面朝上的牌中抽出两张,参加游戏者打赌其中哪一张会比另一张先与发牌人的牌成为同花顺