- Disconnected writing is the cardinal sign of the loner. 字连不起来表明该人很可能是位孤独者。
- Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. 双子是变动星座,天秤是本位星座。
- The cardinal signs of inflammation are rubor (redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and loss of function. 炎症的主要局部表现是红、肿、热、痛、功能障碍。
- The cardinal signs were priapism,diffuse penile swelling and nodularity or ulceration of the penile shaft. 主要转移途径可能是经逆行血行或淋巴管。
- Maureen displayed all the cardinal signs of the disease, losing part of one lung to surgery when an abscess developed. 陈梁梦莲显示所有枢机主教的迹象,这种疾病,丧失了部分单肺手术时脓肿的发展。
- In the Uranian system, the Aries Point, or AP, also links to zero degrees of all the cardinal signs (as seen on a 90 degree dial). 在汉堡占星学系统中如果使用90dial盘,白羊点简称AP,也就是所有本位星座的0度点。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。
- She is wearing a cardinal sweater today. 今天她穿了件鲜红的毛衣。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。
- The cardinal number equal to1015. 十的十五次幂基数等于1015。
- The cardinal number equal to109. 十亿基数,等于109
- The cardinal number equal to18+1. 十九与18加1相等的基数
- Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks. 士兵离开营房得登记签字。
- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。
- The cardinal number equal to1030. 百万的五次幂基数等于1030
- Make sure that the sign's the right way up. 一定要把符号的上下弄对。
- The cardinal number equal to2?0. 二十等于2乘10的基数