- Carbon tax A tax levied on products that emit greenhouse gases. 燃烧废气释放税对释放温室气体的产品征收的一种税。
- In retrospect I think that the argument for the carbon tax has been pitched in the wrong way and at the wrong level. 如果进行一下回顾,我认为政府关于二氧化碳排放税的观点无论在思路上还是在考虑层面上都是错误的。
- To encourage more of that sort of thing, the government levies a carbon tax on Norway's dirtiest industries. 为了鼓励发起更多类似的方案,挪威政府针对国内最具污染性的行业征收了烟尘排放税。
- A carbon tax gives us certainty about the price of carbonnot the quantity of emissions. 碳税给了我们碳排放价格方面的确定性,但却没有排量方面的。
- Best of all, set a carbon tax, which is less susceptible to capture by business lobbies than is a cap-and-trade system. 最好的是设定一项碳排放税,此税相比“总量管制和排放交易体系”更不容易受商业游说的影响。
- So Mr Obama proposed something very similar to a carbon tax, albeit slightly more cumbersome. 因此,奥巴马提出一个和征收碳税很接近的办法,尽管稍微麻烦。
- If the voters go further and eject Mr Harper, that, sadly, will not be because they have been convinced by the cerebral Mr Dion's worthy carbon tax. 如果选民进一步驱逐哈珀,遗憾的是,这不会发生,因为他们在脑海里确信狄恩应得烟尘排放税。
- The bigger loser on election night was Mr Dion, who staked the Liberals’ hopes on a green platform that featured a carbon tax. 迪奥是更大的输家,他把自由党的筹码压在以碳量税为特点的“绿色”竞选平台。
- His carbon tax will come into effect, and he will press for a similar tax at Europe's borders, prompting cries of protectionism from free-traders. 他的碳排放税即将生效,他还会施压在欧洲范围内推行相似的法律,以安抚保守派在自由贸易问题上的抱怨。
- There are worries over plans to scrap investigating judges, and to introduce a new carbon tax that will push up fuel and energy prices. 也有人担心政府正计划废除预审法官职位,以及开始征收新的碳税,这无疑会推高燃料和能源价格。
- But here, too, change may be afoot.To mimic the advantage ofa carbon tax, many cap-and-trade fans now want governments to auction at leasta share of the permits. 为了学习碳排放税的优点,很多“限制排放与交易许可”机制的支持者也希望通过政府拍卖,在许可中分得一杯羹。
- Computable General Equilibrium Model was set up to simulate the influence of levy carbon tax on China s macro-economy, energy saving and CO2 emission reduction. 利用可计算一般均衡模型,模拟了碳税征收对中国宏观经济、节约能源和抑制CO2排放的影响。
- A carbon tax would be preferable, because companies would then be able to build a fixed price into their investment plans; but businesspeople and politicians are both strangely averse to the word“ tax”. 征收碳税的方法应是首选,因为公司可据此在他们的投资计划中设立一固定价位,但商人和政治家均对“税收”的字眼有着奇怪的抵触情绪。
- "Every family choosing to have more than a defined number of children should be charged a carbon tax that would fund the planting of enough trees to offset the carbon cost generated by a new human being," he wrote. 他在提案中写道:“‘超生’家庭都应缴纳‘二氧化碳税’,所征的税将用于植树造林,以消除新增人口所排放的二氧化碳带来的危害。”
- Beijing on Friday joined a growing clamour of complaint about US plans for a carbon tax on imports from countries without their own emission caps, warning it could set off a global trade war. 对于那些本身不限制碳排放的国家,美国计划对它们的对美出口开征碳关税。为此,中国政府上周五加入了音量越来越高的抗议声浪,警告此举可能引发一场全球贸易战。
- Results show that the negative impact of carbon tax on the economy, and on the energy-and trade- intensive sectors, could be alleviated through properly relieving or subsidizing production sectors. 分析结果表明,通过对生产部门实行适当的税收宽免或补贴,可以有效的减小碳税的实施对经济及能源密集型贸易部门的负面影响;
- Carbon tax, one of the market mechanisms that China is considering adopting, will raise the current energy price from fossil fuel sources, including gasoline, electricity, coal and natural gas. “碳税”是中国正在考虑要实行的市场机制之一,该机制的实行将提高现有包括汽油、电力、煤炭和天然气等在内的化石能源的价格。
- Most consumers will respond maturely to carbon taxes, particularly if these are offset by reductions in other forms of taxation. 大多数消费者会成熟的回应碳税,特别是如果通过减少其他形式的税而得到抵偿的话。
- The proposed carbon taxes will only result in a vast new windfall for government, large cost/price increases and economic recession. 烟尘排放税的提议只会让政府部门增加一大比横财,同时让其成本价格上涨,经济萎缩。
- The tax inspector agreed the figures. 税务稽查员核准了这些数字。