- I make a carbon copy of my documents. 我用复写纸复写文件。
- Soft drinks contain carbon dioxide. 软饮料中含有二氧化碳。
- I have some carbon paper somewhere or other. 我记得我在什么地方放有复写纸。
- carbon rheostat 炭质变阻器
- A variable resister is called a rheostat. 可以调节的电阻器叫做变阻器。
- She's a carbon copy of her sister. 她跟她姐姐一模一样。
- A movable electrical contact, as in a rheostat. 接触电刷变阻器等内部的活动电接触器
- A copy made by using carbon paper. 复写本,副本用复写纸复印的一份
- Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. 植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。
- You receive the top copy of the receipt, and we keep the carbon. 你把这收据上面的原件收下,我们保留下面的复写件。
- The stick of carbon is often used in an electric arc lamp. 碳精棒常用于电弧灯。
- Having a ring composed exclusively of carbon atoms, as benzene. 碳环的有一个仅由碳原子组成的环的,如苯
- A radioactive isotope of carbon, especially carbon 14. 放射性碳碳的一种放射性同位素,尤指碳14。
- Circuit 11, series-parallel circuit (no sliding rheostat). 电路11;串并联电路图(无滑动变阻器).
- By adjusting the rheostat, one can change the current in a circuit. 通过拨动变阻器,可以改变电流。
- Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen. 二氧化碳是由碳和氧组成的。
- Plants absorb carbon from the air. 作物从空气中吸收炭。
- A rheostat or other device used to vary the intensity of an electric light. 调光器使电灯光减弱的一种变阻器或其它装置。
- She put the carbon paper in the wrong way round. 他把复写纸放反了。
- Producing or containing carbon or coal. 产碳或煤的,含碳或煤的