- Welded carbon market in Europe or from the current extremely low ebb. 欧洲焊碳管市场或将脱离当前的极度低迷状态。
- Meanwhile nine Northeastern states have promised to form a regional carbon market. 同时,美国东北部九个州已承诺共组一地区性的碳市场。
- But entering the international carbon market is not easy, particularly for reforestation projects like Almir's. 但进入国际碳市场并不是一件轻松的事,特别是对阿尔米尔的这类造林项目来说。
- By preventing methane from escaping into the atmosphere, Bunge creates a credit which it can sell on the carbon market. 由于阻止了甲烷进入大气,Bunge还创造了碳信用额[1]用以在碳排放市场出售。
- Will REDD credits flood carbon markets and drive down prices? REDD信用将充斥碳市场并导致价格下降吗?
- A lot of this money would be privately funded green technology transferred to developing nations, or cash raised from the nascent carbon market. 这些资金许多是私下对发展中国家转移绿色技术所筹集,或是筹集自未成熟的碳市的现金。
- The deal signals the growing potential for carbon trading in China, which is the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases but so far does not have a domestic carbon market. 该交易表明,中国碳交易的潜力不断增长。中国是全球最大的温室气体排放国,但迄今没有一个全国性的碳交易市场。
- How much they are worth exactly and whether a carbon market can really stave off extinctions has been a matter of debate among scientists and policy-makers. 它们究竟值多少以及现行的碳交易市场能否避免物种灭绝一直是科学家和政策制定者们争论的话题。
- Speaking in Berlin yesterday, Mr Blair said the summit should set goals for reducing carbon emissions, pledge to establish a global carbon market, and commit to the UN-led Kyoto Protocol. 布莱尔昨日在柏林发表讲话时表示,此次峰会应设定碳减排目标,承诺建立全球碳市场,信守联合国主导的《京都议定书》(kyoto Protocol)。
- Given all these complications, if a global carbon market does emerge from the fog of Senate wrangling and post-Copenhagen negotiations, it is likely to look rather different from today’s systems. 考虑到上述纷繁复杂的因素,如果经过一连串国会争吵和后哥本哈根谈判能够形成一个全球碳市场的话,它将和今天的机制截然不同。
- Some Indian companies are already members of this carbon market and the government will shortly bring out a national action plan to operationalise CDMS,” says a Planning Commission official. “一些印度公司早已是这个碳市场的成员,而且政府也将于近期拿出全国性行动计划,以使清洁发展机制规划可操作化”,一个计划委员会官员如是说。
- Some Indian companies are already members of this carbon market and the government will shortly bring out a national action plan to operationalise CDMS," says a Planning Commission official. "一些印度公司早已是这个碳市场的成员;而且政府也将于近期拿出全国性行动计划;以使清洁发展机制规划可操作化";一个计划委员会官员如是说.
- Mr Wara concluded that the carbon markets had failed to persuade China to switch from coal to gas, or to more efficient coal power stations. 瓦拉认为,碳交易市场的建立,并未说服中国从使用煤转而使用天然气,也没有说服中国提高火电站的效率。
- Some nations and companies are currently planting forests as a way of earning 'carbon credits' in international carbon markets. 一些国家和企业把目前进行的造林当作一种在国际碳市场挣“碳积分”的手段。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- Carbon markets in rich countries are already beginning to deliver flows of finance to support low-carbon development, including through the Clean Development Mechanism. 富国的碳市场已经开始提供资金支持低碳的发展,清洁发展机制就是其中一例。
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。
- The pigs fetched a good price at the market. 那些猪在市场上卖了好价钱。
- Oil stocks bottomed out in the market. 石油的股票行市停泻回升。
- The stock market trod water these days. 股市这几天停滞不前。