- Doctor guilty of car bomb attacks . 医生有汽车炸弹攻击的罪.
- At least a dozen people were killed in a car bomb attack in a police station in Mosul, Iraq. 伊拉克摩苏尔警局遭汽车炸弹袭击,至少12人丧生。
- At least 58 people were killed in a car bomb attack Saturday between two Shiite shrines in the Iraqi city of Karbala, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said. 伊拉克内务部说有至少58名民众在星期六二个什叶派圣殿之间的一次汽车炸弹袭击中丧生。
- A car bomb attack on a police station killed two people and wounded 23 in a town east of Algiers on Tuesday. 当日,特尼亚的一座警察局遭自杀式汽车炸弹袭击,警察局及周围建筑受损,目前已造成两人死亡、23人受伤。
- Another four people were killed and six wounded in a car bomb attack in Baghdad's. 巴格达又发生一起汽车炸弹袭击事件,造成4人死亡,6人受伤。
- Residents removed debris from the site of a car bomb attack in Mosul, in northern Iraq. 伊拉克;摩苏尔:居民们正将汽车爆炸的残骸移走.
- Later in the day, the central Baghdad district have also taken place in Jokela on behalf of a car bomb attack, two people died and six were wounded. 当天晚些时候,巴格达市中心的凯拉代区也发生一起汽车炸弹袭击,造成2人死亡、6人受伤。
- At least 20 civilians and an American soldier have been killed in a suicide car bomb attack against a US convoy in eastern Afghanistan, officials said. 至少20个老百姓和一名美国士兵在阿富汗东部在一场自杀的汽车炸弹攻击事件上已经被杀死反对一个美国护送队;官员说.
- Pakistani officials say a suicide car bomb attack near the U.S. consulate in Karachi has killed at least five people, including an American diplomat. 巴基斯坦官员说,美国驻卡拉奇领事馆附近发生的自杀汽车炸弹攻击造成至少5人丧生,包括一名美国外交官。
- The attack was not deemed very likely, but authorities decided to put up barriers that would protect the monuments from a possible car bomb attack. 袭击被认为不太可能发生,但是意大利当局还是决定在斜塔前设置路障,保护其免受可能发生的汽车炸弹袭击。
- New violence in Baghdad has left at least 13 people dead. They were killed in a double suicide car bomb attack at a police station. More than 80 other people were hurt. 在巴格达的新的暴力事件导致至少13人死亡.;他们是在两起自杀性汽车炸弹袭击警察局时死亡的
- AP - Ex-Iraqi deputy prime minister and former Pentagon favorite, Ahmad Chalabi, escaped a suicide car bomb attack on his convoy in Baghdad, an official in his office said Saturday. 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
- Insurgents carried out several mortar and car bomb attacks throughout the capital. 起义军用许多迫击炮和汽车炸弹攻击整个首都。
- Bilal Abdullah is one of eight people charged in the failed car bomb attacks in Scotland and England. 他是最近发生在苏格兰和英格兰几起未遂汽车爆炸袭击中的八名嫌犯之一。
- A court in India has sentenced 3 people to death for carrying out car bomb attacks in the city of Mumbai in 2003 which killed more than 50 people. 印度一法庭今日对三名在2003年参与制造孟买汽车爆炸事件的囚犯判处了死刑,该事件在当时造成了50多人丧生。
- There have been four seperate separate car bomb attacks in Irap.Two Iraq, two near the northern city of Mosul and the other another two near the capital BagdadBaghdad. 在伊拉克相继发生了四次汽车炸弹袭击事件,其中二次在伊拉克的北部城市摩苏尔,另外两次发生在首都巴格达。
- Meanwhile, hospital officials say the death toll from three nearly simultaneous car bomb attacks Thursday in the northern city of Balad had risen to 98. 医院人员说,星期四在巴莱德城北发生的3起相互配合、几乎同一时间发生的爆炸造成的死亡人数上升到98人。
- Haneef was arrested on July 2 on a tip-off from British police in the eastern city of Brisbane after seven people, including at least four foreign doctors, were detained in Britain over three failed car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow. 涉嫌参与伦敦和格拉斯哥三起汽车爆炸未遂案的七名嫌疑犯在英国被拘留,其中至少有四人是外国医生,随后受英国警方通缉,7月2日哈尼夫在东部城市布里斯班逮捕。
- Terrorists let off a car bomb in a crowded shopping centre. 恐怖分子在人群稠密的商业中心引爆了一颗汽车炸弹。
- Nagase Roger. Lined up for napalm bomb attack. 瞭解。燃烧弹准备发射。