- Just like an original equipment from car manufacturer. 制造商的一台原先的设备一样。
- Toyota production calculated based on the world's largest car manufacturer. 丰田是以产量计算的全球最大的汽车制造商。
- Car manufacturers are having a bad time. 汽车制造商的日子不好过。
- Car manufacturers must be very uneasy now. 现在汽车制造厂商们无疑都非常不安。
- W3: My hometown is the center of car manufacturing. 我的家乡是汽车制造业的中心.
- US car manufacturer Chrysler has created a new division to develop hybrid and electric vehicles. 美国汽车制造业者克莱斯勒创立新部门以研发混合动力汽车。
- UK-based luxury sports car manufacturer Aston Martin has opened a new dealership in Zagreb Croatia. 英国豪华跑车制造商阿斯顿.;马丁已经在克罗地亚的萨格勒布地区建立了新的经销商网络。
- The ACEA went on to state that it supported the efforts of its car manufacturer members in trying to change F1. 对于他们的汽车制造商成员进来试图改变F1的努力,ACEA在声明中给予了支持。
- Chinese car stimulated policy to also invigorate car manufacturer taxi to enrage. 中国的汽车刺激政策也鼓舞了汽车厂商的士气。
- Walk with a leg only, no matter be car or car manufacturer, hard wind gallop run quickly ahead like fulminate. 只用一条腿走路,无论是汽车还是汽车厂家,都难以风驰电闪般向前奔驰。
- Consider a car manufacturer suffering from declining sales of its “sports utility” model, the Lumberjack. 对这种显而易见的“替代效应”无能为力的监管是愚蠢的。
- At present, we of Sanhe Doppelmayr are the only affiliate company of an international cable car manufacturer in China . 我们叁河多贝玛亚运送系统有限公司是唯一一个由国际索道 / 缆车制造商在中国设立的子公司。
- That company has phased out of the car manufacturing business. 那家公司已逐步停止汽车生产。
- When the application of Harold Ford,the motor car manufacturer,to join a golf club was refused by its members,he trumped their ace by buying the club. 汽车制造商哈罗德·福特申请加入高尔夫球俱乐部遭到俱乐部成员的拒绝时,他把俱乐部买了下来。
- Ancillary products are sold to various car manufacturers use. 产品主要销往各配套汽车厂家使用。
- It is illegal for these car manufacturers to pool with each other. 这些汽车制造商相互合营是违法的。
- Luxury and performance car manufacturers were hard hit. 豪华高性能的汽车制造商受到了沉重的打击。
- Meanwhile, FIAT President Luca Cordero Di Montezemolo has confirmed that the Italian car manufacturer could become the Old Lady’s new sponsor. 与此同时。菲亚特主席蒙特泽莫罗已经确认,菲亚特公司将成为俱乐部的新赞助商。
- In 1998, Lamborghini became a subsidiary of the German car manufacturer Audi AG, which is in turn a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group. 1998年,兰博基尼成为了德国汽车制造商‘奥迪汽车’的旗下公司,而奥迪是大众的旗下公司。(言外之意就是---兰博基尼是大众间接持有的品牌名称)