- By the same date, our aim is that all new power stations should be fitted with carbon capture and storage. 届时,我们的目标是所有新的电厂必须装备碳捕获及埋存设施。
- Another CO2 capture and storage project currently under way is in the Sleipner field in the North Sea. 另一项CO2收集和存储计划目前正在北海的Sleipner油田进行。
- Until new, advanced technologies are developed, carbon capture and storage technologies are required. 在新的先进技术被发明之前,需要碳捕集技术和碳存储技术。
- The good news is that the technology for capture and storage already exists and that the obstacles hindering implementation seem to be surmountable. 好消息是,捕集与储藏技术已经问世,有碍实现的屏障似乎也得以破除。
- One much-discussed possibility is carbon capture and storage, or CCS, which involves burying the carbon dioxide deep underground. 一个广为讨论的可能方案是二氧化碳的俘获及存贮技术,简称CCS,就是将二氧化碳深埋于地下。
- This will be complemented by much higher efficiency in fossil fuel use, a shift to renewable energy and the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS). 配套措施包括:大幅提高化石燃料使用效率,转向可再生能源,以及应用碳捕捉和储存技术。
- The third tier included battery vehicles driven by hydropower nuclear and coal from plants using carbon capture and storage. 第三层次包括利用氢能源、核能、使用碳捕捉和贮存技术的煤电厂提供电力的电池汽车。
- But even the most optimistic proponents of carbon capture and storage doubt it will be a serious alternative much before 2020. 但是,即便对二氧化碳俘获及存贮技术最热心的倡导者都对2020年以前这种技术成为现实的替代品表示怀疑。
- Under the proposed agreement, the EU would assist China to build by 2015 a new power station to demonstrate technologies both for carbon capture and storage and for clean coal. 根据提议中的协议,在2015年底前,欧盟将援助中国建设一座新电厂,以示范两方面的技术,一是碳捕捉及封存,二是洁净煤。
- The UK is currently developing ideas on improving energy performance, cleaning up fossil fuels and accelerating research and development, including carbon capture and storage. 英国目前正在研发提高能源性能和净化化石燃料的方法,加快研究和发展的速度,其中包括碳俘获和储存。
- The other greenwash favoured by coal-burners is to hold out the prospect that emissions will soon be cleaned up and buried under ground using carbon capture and storage. 燃煤者喜爱的另一个绿色外衣是提出这样的前景:利用碳捕捉和碳储藏,排放出来的碳很快就会被清除并埋入地下。
- The spread of localised resistance is a force that some fear could sink Europe's attempts to build 10 to 12 demonstration projects for carbon capture and storage (CCS) by 2015. 这种抵制情绪的扩散不禁让人怀疑欧洲是否能达到在2015年建成10到12个示范性碳捕获和存储(CCS)项目的目标。
- Secretary Chu has made carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology a priority and mobilized the Department of Energy's expertise and resources around this critical issue. 朱部长把碳捕捉和储存(CCS)技术作为优先事项,并调动了能源部的专业知识和资源处理这个要害问题。
- In the early 1980s, I published an article in Datamation magazine titled "Synchronizing Data with Reality." The gist of the article was that data quality is a function of use, not capture and storage. 在二十世纪八十年代,我发表了一篇有关自动化资料管理的文章"实际的同步数据"文章的意思是说数据的质量是使用功能,不是捕捉与存储。
- Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed. 五百名造反者被俘获并缴了械。
- CCS (capture and storage of carbon dioxide) 二氧化碳捕集与封存(CCS)
- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) 二氧化碳捕获和储存CCS
- Function as plug for water offlet and storage. 用作塞子放水或者储水。
- He was captured and made prisoner by enemy soldiers. 他被敌军俘虏。
- Approval of material purchasing and storage. 核准物料的采购和存储作业.