- His aim was to attack Persia and punish the king. 他的目的是攻打波斯惩罚波斯王。
- And the elders shall take the man and punish him. 本城的长老要拿住那人,惩治他
- "We can all plague and punish one another. “彼此都可以罚来罚去,折磨来折磨去。
- Malefactors will be pursued and punished. 作恶的人要予以究治。
- To capture and hold briefly(the attention,for example); engage. 引起注意吸引并短时间吸引住(如注意力);吸引
- As your father, I can set you free, but in my capacity as a king of the country I must do my duty and punish you. 作为你父亲,我可以释放你,但作为一个国王,我必须履行我的职责处罚你。
- Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed. 五百名造反者被俘获并缴了械。
- I'll turn the tables on you one day and punish you for all the wrongs you've done to my family. 总有一天我会报复你的,你对我家干了那么多坏事,我会惩罚你的。
- To capture and hold briefly(the attention, for example); engage. 引起注意吸引并短时间吸引住(如注意力);吸引
- We must bring a criminal to justice, try him and punish him. 我们必须使犯人受审并受法律制裁。
- Capture and edit high-definition video from HDV camcorders. 捕获和编辑高清晰度视频的HDV摄像机。
- Amu's job is to capture and restore x-eggs to their orginal form. 令她感到惊讶的是第二天床上出现了三只彩蛋,而这三只彩蛋到底能不能帮上亚梦呢?
- He managed to evade capture and escaped over the border. 他设法逃脱了追捕并逃过了边境。
- Class Debate: Prosecute and Punish, or Forgive and Forget? 课堂辩论:起诉与惩罚,或原谅与忘记?
- Amu's job is to capture and restore x-egg to there orginal form. 令她感到惊讶的是第二天床上出现了三只彩蛋。
- His treachery led to the capture and imprisonment of his friend. 由于他的背叛, 他的朋友被捕入狱。
- The king oppressed his people with terrible taxes and punishments. 国王以苛捐杂税和严刑来压迫人民。
- He was captured and made prisoner by enemy soldiers. 他被敌军俘虏。
- He was captured and taken prisoner by enemy soldiers. 他被敌军俘虏。
- All the measures of the law should protect property and punish plunder. 法律的所有措施应当被用来保卫财产和惩治掠夺。