- This latest prank caps the climax. 最近这次玩笑开的实在过分了。
- Their conduct in this affair caps the climax of absurdity. 在这件事情上,他们的表现荒唐透顶。
- The climax of the celebration was a firework display. 庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。
- Dark clouds capped the high mountains. 乌云遮盖着高山。
- The climax of a narrative or sequence of events. 高潮故事或一系列事件的高潮
- He capped the bottle after having some root beer. 他喝了点菜根汽水后把瓶子又盖好。
- Today, we are seeing the climax of that trend. 现在这种潮流已日臻鼎盛。
- He capped the bottle after having some root beer . 他喝了点菜根汽水后把瓶子又盖好。
- Today,we are seeing the climax of that trend. 现在这种潮流已日臻鼎盛。
- Whipped cream capped the dessert. 甜点心上面盖了一层搅好的奶油。
- It was the climax of the lapidary's skill. 这是宝石匠技术最高的表演。
- Each clown capped the last joke of the other. 丑角的笑话一个比一个好。
- The climax came to be unpredictably. 高潮段突然来临了。
- Capped the new women nurses at graduation. 在毕业时给新一批女护士颂发护士帽
- The forests capped the mountains. 山顶上覆盖了森林。
- Whipped cream capped the dessert . 甜点心上面盖了一层搅好的奶油。
- Snow capped the roofs of the homes and trees. 雪覆盖住了屋顶和树木。
- This passage foreshadows the climax of the story. 这一段为故事的高潮作了铺垫。
- The fifth scene was the climax of the play. 第五场是全剧的高潮。
- The story reached the climax in the last chapter. 故事在最后一章达到高潮。