- From the post-war Korea, Japan from the Meiji Restoration began after the establishment of a capitalist market economy. 韩国从战后、日本从明治维新后就开始建立资本主义市场经济体制。
- What is a socialist market economy and what is a capitalist market economy cannot accomplish? 什么是社会主义市场经济和资本主义市场经济所不能完成的?
- In the United States and some European countries of market economy, capitalist market economy and the socialist planned economy are compared and reflected on. 在美国和欧洲的一些市场经济国家中,开始了对资本主义市场经济和社会主义计划经济的比较和反思。
- The inherent essence of capitalist market economy has determined as dependent on each other as lips and teeth, close relation intricately woven together between it and individualism. 资本主义市场经济的内在本质决定了它和个人主义唇齿相依、丝丝入扣的紧密关系。
- Socialist market economy has the mechanism of common market economy, modern market economy and property already, have the endoplasm that differs with capitalist market economy and feature again. 社会主义市场经济既具有一般市场经济、现代市场经济的机理和属性,又有与资本主义市场经济不同的内质和特征。
- The Protestant Ethic and the Capitalist Market Economy 新教伦理与资本主义市场经济
- Viewing the Abuses of the Capitalist Market Economy from the Financial Crisis in Asia 从亚洲金融危机看资本主义市场经济的弊端
- capitalistic market economy 资本主义商品经济
- capitalist market economy 资本主义市场经济
- at the same time some theoretician, who understood welfare country at the opinion of capitalist development, believed it as the offspring of capitalist market economy development, and analyzed the opposite class interest in welfare country. 一些从资本主义发展的角度认识福利国家原因的理论家,则把福利国家的出现看作是资本主义市场经济发展的产物,并分析了福利国家中的阶级利益的对立。
- Do you know that the most capitalistic market now in the world is in China? 你知不知道,现在全球最大的资本主义市场是在中国?
- We can develop a market economy under socialism. 社会主义也可以搞市场经济。
- Hong Kong,as you know,is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- EARLIER this year Ukraine became a market economy. 今年早些时候,乌克兰成为市场经济国家。
- The principle of complementation enables the SCEZ economy to be self-contained, reducing the dependence of its economic circulation on the capitalist market. 互补原则能够使共产特区经济自成一体,减少共产特区经济周转对资本市场的依赖。
- Look at Market Economy by Dialectical Sight II. 用辩证的眼光看市场经济2。
- China has a booming free market economy. 中国有一个蓬勃的自由市场经济。
- Macro adjustment is needed in a market economy. 市场经济需要宏观调控。
- Hong Kong, as you know, is a free market economy. 大家也知道,香港是一个自由市场经济体系。
- Market economy is an economy of efficiency. 市场经济就是效率经济。