- capital expenditure expansion 扩大基本建设支出
- Capital expenditure was treble the 1998 level. 资本支出是1998年的三倍。
- Analysis of capital expenditure projects? 资金消费项目的分析?
- Prepare and update Capital Expenditure Plan (CEP) for the division. 及时编制并更新子公司的资本性支出计划表。
- Capital expenditure is a hindrance rather than a help. 资本支出只会碍事,不会带来帮助。
- The informal ratio of output divided by capital expenditure. 产出除以资本支出的比率。
- Government expenditure comprises operating expenditure and capital expenditure. 政府的开支帐目分为经营开支和非经营开支。
- It will be charged as capital expenditure of the Capital Works Reserve Fund. 有关利息会记入基本工程储备基金的非经营开支。
- Determine equipment needs and oversee capital expenditure justification. 决定设备需求,监察资本支出。
- Goosefoot: 2009 capital expenditure will with comparative basically 2008. 黎: 2009年资本支出将与2008年基本相当。
- These include the financing of the second runway, the north-west concourse and new capital expenditure arising after airport opening. 该项贷款用作普通企业融资,包括第二条跑道、西北客运廊及机场启用后所需的资本支出。
- Capital expenditure of the HA in 1997-98 was $14.9 billion,representing 6.3 per cent of total public expenditure. 一九九七/九八年度,房委会的资本开支为149亿元,占公共开支总额的6.;3%25。
- Monitor all the Capital expenditure and big amount purchasing following the bid procedure, maximum control the cost. 监督所有的资本性支出和大金额的采购要采取招投标程序,以最大限度地控制成本。
- Capital expenditure includes interest on government bonds charged to Capital Works Reserve Fund. 非经营开支包括记入基本工程储备基金的政府债券利息。
- Capital expenditure under the Disaster Relief Fund provides relief to disasters that occur outside Hong Kong. 赈灾基金的非经营开支,包括为香港以外地区发生的灾难提供援助的实际开支。
- In the longer term, the Government needs to achieve an operating surplus to partially finance capital expenditure. 在较长远而言,政府需要取得经营盈馀,以支付部分的非经常开支。
- However, over a period the aim is to contain capital expenditure growth within overall expenditure guidelines. 不过,政府的目标,是在一段期间内,把非经常开支的增长,维持在整体开支指引所定的范围内。
- However, over a period the aim is to contain capital expenditure within overall expenditure guidelines. 不过,政府的目标,是在一段期间内,把非经营开支,维持在整体开支指引所定的范围内。
- Budgets and controls the projects. Plans required capital expenditure for volume production. 控制方案的预算,计划产品销量所需要资本支出;
- Interest on government bonds will be charged as capital expenditure of the Capital Works Reserve Fund. 政府债券利息会记入基本工程储备基金的非经营开支。